Carpet: Is it too much to clean? Is it only right for the cold?
There is nothing special about carpet cleaning in Hawaii.Carpet and climate: For some reason it’s just assumed that carpet is only really nice when you live somewhere cold.
There is nothing special about carpet cleaning in Hawaii. It’s a part of life everywhere. Carpet is soft and wonderful on the feet,

it provides visual warmth and physical comfort, and it’s warmer in the winter and doesn’t get uncomfortably cold in the air conditioning. It also gets messy. That’s the downside to all flooring options, yet carpet gets a bad rap over how much cleaning it requires. Carpet is also considered the wrong flooring in warm climates by many people. However, both of these assumptions are fundamentally wrong.
The first miss characterization is that carpet requires frequent cleaning, and installing carpet will require you to invest in machinery and professionals to handle the task of carpet cleaning. Yes, carpet does require maintenance, you do need to vacuum it somewhat frequently, and it can be stained more easily than stone or hardwood. However both of those require near constant sweeping and don’t trap dirt at all. That may sound like a point in their favor until you wake up in bed with sand that’s been carried in from the front door. Both of those let any dust or dirt travel pretty freely around the house. That’s okay if you want to sweep areas of high traffic every day or every other day. Carpet can hide a lot of mess and is good for people who don’t want to have to clean constantly. While carpet cleaning can be more work (though try sanding and refinishing a floor if it gets too scuffed and marked) than sweeping hard floors it doesn’t need to happen as often.
Carpet and climate: For some reason it’s just assumed that carpet is only really nice when you live somewhere cold. Clearly, people in Hawaii have no reason to want carpet. It’s not like they’re waking up in a room where the ambient temperature is in the fifties and having to walk barefoot to the bathroom on ice cold hardwood. The thing about carpet is that it’s very steady on temperature. It doesn’t heat up on a hot day and get uncomfortable on the feet, nor does it get clammy and cold from air conditioning. The other thing to keep in mind is that in a warm climate you’re more likely to be casually barefoot than in a cold one, meaning that the padding provided by carpet is more valuable in Hawaii than it is in Maine.
If you’re considering flooring opportunities, and you live in a warm climate like Hawaii don’t let the myths about how unbearable carpet cleaning is, or how it’ll be too hot dissuade you. If you like carpeting, it’s in your budget, and it fits the feel you want in a given room: then you should get it. Carpet cleaning can take a bit of work but not any more than most other types of flooring. Worst case you occasionally have to call professionals in, the prices are usually reasonable, and it’s not like it’ll be a frequent need.