If you manage a catering business, you know that having enough of everything for a dinner or special event is vital.
Putting on a party or function where there are minimal supplies and equipment can result in disaster or, at the very least, overwhelm everyone with massive amounts of frustration and stress. You may ask yourself, "is there is a Restaurant Supply Store Near Me," so that you are well prepared for anything. Some items that caterers seem to chronically fall short of every time include: CartsCarts are lifesavers when it comes to transporting all types of items and supplies such as food trays, hotel pans filled with food, stacks of dishes, beverages, flatware and china headed for the dishwasher. The more that is purchased, the more it seems is needed. They are invaluable if the staff isn't strong enough to carry everything, or if the company seems to have significant amounts of heavy items. For example, serving rustic foods on cast iron would probably result in a workmen's compensation claim if items weren't transported on durable carts. Dollies are also good options to keep in mind for moving furniture, boxes, and the really large and heavy articles. Buckets and Bus PansThese are simple items that are often overlooked or under-stocked. They have so many uses and are so vital to the overall operation. The buckets can be used to transport salad dressings and soups. They make great "spill" containers for beverage glasses and can also be used as mop buckets if necessary. Bus pans can transport dirty dishes and other kitchen items back to the dishwasher. Flatware can be quickly soaked and then later stored in them. FlatwareIf there appears to be enough flatware available, buy some more. These items have a reputation for disappearing faster than a person can say 1-2-3. It is important to stress to the staff how vital it is to get every piece of flatware back to the kitchen after an event. Much of it gets rolled up in dirty linens or dropped on the floor and swept away if servers are not vigilant about keeping track of these items. The smaller and lighter they are, the faster they will disappear. Spoons are usually the first to run short. It does pay to purchase a heavier set of flatware even if they cost a little more because they won't be thrown away or lost so easily. Trash Cans and Bags Trash cans will be needed everywhere. Be sure that they are not so large that no one can lift, move, and empty them. It is better to have more medium-sized styles that can be scattered around the prep and back serving areas and emptied quickly and easily. Always bring plenty of trash bags, as there many uses for them. They can be used as impromptu rain coats, cover a rustic table, or even be used to separate and bag dirty linens. Rags or Wiping Cloths Both indoor and outdoors catering in any establishment require large amounts of wiping down and cleaning up. While paper towels are great, they are not heavy-duty enough to tackle the tough jobs. Always have a large bag of rags ready to clean, polish, and pick up spills. So for your very next event, whether it’s on your property or off, make sure there are plenty of these "hot" items available. This will result in a smoother, stress-free progression of events. Just search "where can I find a restaurant supply store near me” so you can be sure to purchase these vital items." Establishing the business as a regular at this venue will help ensure that the supplies that are regularly needed will be kept in stock at all times. For the best restaurant supply store near you, contact us today!
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