The Human Resources (HR) department of any organization administers these resources through the Human Resources System.
The human resource department of an organization is entrusted with various responsibilities, recruitment and selection being one of them. To select the right candidate, companies conduct interviews to be able to assess the caliber and performance level of the candidate. But if you really want your interview session to be giving you the best possible results, it is imperative that you zero in on the right human resource interview questions.
Asking the right interview questions is mandatory if you seek to make the best of the interview time allotted. It is on these human resource interview questions that help you gather the required information about the candidate. This information further helps decide whether or not a candidate is suitable for the vacancies in question.
While the right questions let you know the candidate to the maximum possible, the wrong ones could lead you to legal hassles. This is because there are several questions that the recruiter is not allowed to ask as per various employment laws. These include questions on the basis of caste, color, nationality, age, race, sex and the like. So you not just need to make sure about the questions that you are supposed to ask but you also need to be sure of the ones that you are not supposed to put to.
Now when it is about chalking the right questions, common sense would point to the ones that are directly related to the job. Issues that concern the job position on a day-to-day basis could be could even be brought up. Asking a candidate questions pertaining to the job gives an idea of how well he or she shall fare if taken on board. Objectivity is the golden rule here that the interviewer needs to follow. Taking down notes could also prove to be of great help.
While the interview questions should lay emphasis on the concerned vacancy, it should also be able to provide an insight into the past performance of the candidate. This is because the past behavior of the candidate can give you a clear indication of how he or she shall perform in the near future. Things like how a particular task was completed, how a situation in the past was handles etc can be asked.
For better results you could even include some questions that pertain to the nature of the organization. Subjective questions that call for long answers can do the job for you in this case. The above mentioned tips are going to come in handy when you are all set to draft the perfect set of human resources interview questions. A little bit of care and attention is all that you need.
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