Antique wicker basket display racks are excellent display fixtures for store managers and owners who want a display fixture that will not only be func...
Antique wicker basket display racks are excellent display fixtures for store managers and owners who want a display fixture that will not only be functional and convenient for customers but also one that will add a bit of charm and rustic elegance to their store’s appearance,
![Choosing Merchandise for Antique Wicker Basket Display Racks Articles](
and choosing merchandise for these kinds of basket display racks is similar to choosing merchandise for any other display fixture: You must think about the kinds of merchandise your store sells, the size of your fixtures, and the location of your display.
Think About the Kinds of Merchandise Your Store Sells
The first thing you must do as you’re choosing which merchandise to display in your antique wicker basket display racks is think about the kinds of merchandise your store sells.
Wicker baskets are fairly sturdy, but it’s always best to be safe rather than sorry; therefore, you should make sure you display fairly small and relatively lightweight items. Some stores and businesses won’t have any trouble; convenience stores, for example, can display anything from food items like small bags of chips and candy bars and other sweet treats to nonfood items like matchbooks, lighters, key chains, travel-sized containers of hygiene products, and other convenience items like eyeglass repair kits. Bookstores, on the other hand, might have to dig a little deeper to find small enough and lightweight enough items such as bookmarks and paperback novels on sale or clearance.
Think About the Size of Your Wicker Baskets and Merchandise
As noted above, small and lightweight merchandise tends to work best with
wicker basket display racks; however, there are many different styles of these racks, and the amount and kind of merchandise you display will depend on the style of your display racks.
For example, if your rack includes one or two wicker baskets, you might want to create a simple display of sweet treats or other snacks in your store’s point-of-purchase, or POP, display area that your customers can grab on their way through the checkout aisle. If your rack includes three or four wicker baskets, you might want to create a produce display showcasing various fruits and vegetables.
Think About the Location of Your Display
The location of your display will play an important role as you choose merchandise for your antique wicker basket display racks.
For example, if you choose to situate your display in your store’s POP display area near the checkout counter and register, then you’ll want to choose common kinds of POP merchandise. Such merchandise includes small, convenient items that your customers might not pick up as they’re making their way through their store, but might be interested in as they’re standing in your checkout aisle. These kinds of items include bubble gum and chewing gum, candy bars and other sweet treats, and convenience or novelty items like matchbooks, lighter, key chains, or small children’s toys.
However, you might also want to consider situating your racks somewhere else on your store’s main floor. For example, you can place them in your store’s food section and fill them with fresh produce or small bags of snacks, or you can place them in your store’s footwear section and fill them with socks, eggs of pantyhose or knee-highs, or shoe inserts. Depending on the kind of merchandise your store sells, the possibilities nearly reach the sky!