How to Use Wicker Basket Displays for Your POP Displays
A point-of-purchase display, also known in the retail world as a POP display, is a merchandise display located close to your store’s point of purchase...
A point-of-purchase display,

also known in the retail world as a POP display, is a merchandise display located close to your store’s point of purchase – the area in which your customers make their purchases. POP merchandise displays are great ways to showcase additional items for your customers to select as they’re checking out. While there are many different kinds of display fixtures perfect for creating POP merchandise displays, wicker baskets and wicker basket display racks are ideal for shop owners who want to add a bit of rustic charm and visual appeal to their stores’ décor. Fortunately, using these kinds of fixtures is easy for all businesses as they’re available in a wide variety of styles, shapes, and sizes!So, how to you go about actually using these wicker display fixtures for your POP merchandise displays?Step #1: Choose the Merchandise You Want to DisplayHaving a clear understanding of the kinds of merchandise you want to include in your POP display will help you determine what kind of wicker basket display fixtures you need to use. For example, if you plan to display a small amount of wrapped candies, you probably won’t need a very large wicker display rack; however, if you plan to display large amounts of candies, or any amount of large kinds of merchandise, you’ll either need bigger wicker basket racks or two or more smaller racks.NOTE: Keep in mind that wicker display baskets don’t provide any protection to the merchandise they hold. In other words, if you plan to display edible items such as candy or baked goods, make sure you choose items that are pre-packaged in wrapper or have been securely wrapped before being placed in the display.Step #2: Evaluate the Display Space You Have to Work WithThe size of the display space you have to work with directly affects the size of the wicker basket rack you can use, as well as the number of display racks you can use. Take a look at the POP area of your store – this is generally the area where your checkout counter is located. Getting a feel for this space will help you determine not only what sizes of display racks you can use, but also the number of fixtures you can use.Step #3: Select the Best Wicker Basket DisplayOnce you’ve decided which kinds of merchandise you want to display and have evaluated the size of the display space you can work with, you’re ready to choose the wicker basket display fixtures, and the number of fixtures, that will work best for your POP merchandise display.You can find wicker baskets as:
- Single baskets.
- Baskets in round, square or rectangular, and oval or oblong shapes.
- Baskets positioned on floor stands.
- Baskets positioned on larger display racks, designed to hold as few as one basket and as many as nine.
- Baskets positioned on racks designed to rotate with wheels or to remain stationary.
Remember, the only factor that makes a wicker basket or wicker display rack “right” or “wrong” is whether or not it works for your merchandise and the amount of space you have to work with.