Commercial Storage: An Office for Your Office
Is your office or workspace cluttered with items that never seem to get used? Perhaps it is time to consider streamlining the office and moving important but unneeded items out of the office and into a storage unit.
Workplace productivity is a major concern for employers and business owners. Most would agree that increasing productivity is important for overall stability and growth within the company. Creating a positive work environment is an important aspect to consider when working towards this goal. Streamlining clutter and excess supplies or inventory is a key way to improve the aesthetics of the office and make the work environment more conducive to productive work. By investing in some form of commercial storage,

you can keep the documents and inventory that you need in a secure location while meeting the aesthetic needs of the business.
Commercial storage goes well beyond a metal shed or unused room in the building. In fact, having your items stored off-site will cause you to evaluate what is important and should be kept and what can go in the circular file or dumpster outside. Between the filing cabinets stuffed with paper to the supply room filled to the brim with unused office products, businesses are often filled with unneeded décor, furniture and machinery.
Before you move items to a facility, decide what is important and must be kept. Anything that is not a necessity (now or down the road) can be donated to another office or sold via an online auction site or listing service. It does not make sense to store it for another 5 years if you are just going to get rid of it anyway.
As you move items to a commercial storage facility, be sure to keep an accurate inventory. Note where things are located (which box, bin, etc.) so that they are easily found in the future. Group like items together for the same reason. It is foolish to move items to a facility and not have them organized for quick reference or retrieval.
If the commercial storage facility is climate controlled, your goods will be safe from the elements and changes in humidity and temperature. Documents and other such items should suffer no harm under those conditions. Likewise, furniture and clothing should be fine when kept in a climate controlled unit. If the unit is not climate controlled, you will need to take measures in advance to make sure that your items are protected from potential hazards caused by weather.
Most commercial storage facilities also have technology in place to deter criminals. You will want to be sure that your items are in safe hands and not able to be accessed by someone without proper authority. Security cameras are excellent tools for deterring theft. Make sure that the location of your unit is equipped with working, monitored security cameras.
Above all, you will want to be sure that the facility you choose is easy to access when needed. Should something arise and you need access to your file cabinets or excess furniture, you should be able to access your items quickly and without hassle. Choosing a location that is relatively close to your office is a good way to make sure you can access it quickly if needed.