Compensation Planning and Succession Planning: Major support system for the human resource developme
Every organization, it may be big or large, have particular rules and regulations which are defined for development and retention of the human resourc...
Every organization,

it may be big or large, have particular rules and regulations which are defined for development and retention of the human resource. Compensation planning and succession planning are important factors which will help in the effective management of man power in each and every set-up. If you have a good defined team management and work compensating system then you definitely have a team of satisfied employees and a better work environment. Let’s find out how these factors involve in the working of an organization.
Compensation planning is a very critical aspect that requires to be handled with great care and deep consideration. Imagine a team with unsatisfied employees, which is struggling for their salary hike every day, and the organization do not have any well defined plans then what will happen? In this condition you will get low quality work and low work environment. This will definitely cause great loss to the company and you will lose your big revenue as well. So what may be the most probable solution for this? Obviously management should be more conscious regarding the needs and expectation of their employees and should have to take more care for their compensation. No one should be under paid and over paid. The perfect balance is the most required for the efficiently running of any organization. Therefore proper compensation planning system is a very necessary.
Together with a good planning for employee compensation, every company should have a strong succession planning system as well. Now day’s companies are using such schemes which help to the development of the employees’ career. There are various tools developed that help in that development like in-house training, webinars, seminars, executive coaching, inter team and intra team trainings and interactions etc. All these greatly help in planning for the most suitable and most deserved successors. If succession planning is completely integrated into the organization’s culture, then it can be a very powerful tool which can ease any transition.