Contractor: Understanding How They Work
The business of a contractor is different from that of a specialty worker, such as a roofer or painter. This article describes how these types of professionals operate and how doing business with one can benefit you.
The business of a contractor is different from that of a specialty worker,

such as a roofer or painter. Contractors' businesses are based upon developing a team of their own various independent workers. This article describes how these types of professionals operate and how doing business with one can benefit you.
Contractors have varying levels of involvement on the projects they take on. They build their teams of subcontractors as a database of contacts. It is from this list of workers or companies that they call to fulfill the tasks and obligations of the projects they are hired to complete. Usually, contracting professionals are certified in different trades, but they won't always be on the job doing the labor themselves.
When you hire a contracting professional, they assume the responsibility for completing the job according to the points in your contractual agreement. They assemble the team that will work together to complete the jobs necessary for your project.
By hiring a contracting professional, you are essentially buying his or her contacts. You benefit in many ways by entering into this type of relationship. One of which is that subcontractors typically work at a special rate for contractors only. Also, you are outsourcing the stress involved in maintaining a working team of diverse skills and schedules to achieve the final result. Anyone who has ever coordinated an effort of this complex magnitude can attest to the value it is to have another person take that burden from you.
If you believe in the concept that time is money, you could definitely benefit from hiring out your project as a whole. Checking the background on one person proves more time efficient than personally vetting several. Also by not having to deal with the daily headaches of leading a team and having the ability to pass on the job of 'boss', you are ahead of the game manifold.
In terms of quality workmanship, any serious contracting professional will take great care in choosing who he or she hires to work in his or her name. It can be their very reputation on the line. You should be able to trust that any subcontractors working on your home are certified and licensed, not to mention bonded and insured for everyone's protection.
There are many ways of finding a good contracting professional you can trust. Conducting an online search and asking around at your local home improvement stores are effective avenues for locating a reputable contractor. Also, contact your area Home Builder's Association for references. Thoroughly researching your prospects will be time well spent.