You have probably read or heard about various wealth building techniques. These are the truths that are valid only for certain cases, but not in general, surrounding wealth and wealthy people, all of which hinder your quest for financial independence.
Here are the most common andmost destructive:
How much you earn depends on how hard you work If thiswere true, then the physical, blue collar workers, who havebeen working hard for years, would have been the wealthiestpeople on earth. Of course, this isn't true. They form mostof the workforce and the vast majority of the middle class.
If you witnessed your parents coming home tired from a longday's work in your youth, you probably learned that moneywasn't a sufficient reward for all that effort. People whowork just for the money often have debts because theycomfort themselves with whatever they can buy, beautifulthings they lack when working.
Being paid for something you enjoy isn't work and youshouldn't ask for money for doing something that isenjoyable. Check this with millionaires. They all have somuch money that they don't need to work anymore.Nevertheless, they work for other reasons, challenge,satisfaction, fullness of life, activity, fun, and all areconnected to a love for their work.
If there was no joy in doing a certain task, they would dosomething else that would make them much happier and thatenables them to realize their dreams. In fact, if you don'tenjoy your work, you will never become wealthy doing it.However, just because you enjoy your work doesn't mean youshouldn't get paid for it - in fact, that is the ultimategoal, to get paid for what you already enjoy so it neverfeels like you are at work.
You need to be in the right line of business to amasswealth. This must mean that all the people who are involvedin the same business are millionaires. Of course, thisisn't true. In each business there are winners and losers;winners abound, even in businesses that consist ofdistasteful, to most or impossible work like sweeping thestreets, collecting the trash, working in a factory,pumping gas, selling newspapers, etc. On the other hand,there are just as many losers in businesses like managementor being a stockbroker.
You need the right education to make a fortune Are themost educated people really the wealthiest? Not at all. Inthis case, university professors would be the wealthiestpeople on earth. Ask them about their salaries, if you getthe opportunity. The truth is vastly different. Thewealthiest people are those who can convert theirknowledge, or education into money, in the best possibleway.
They can be highly educated people, like inventors,scientists, etc.. or almost ignorant. Being formallyuneducated does not equate to poor performance on the jobor the inability to form a strong enough vision to carry aperson to success - they can easily be experts withouthaving a formal education.
It used to be easier Statistics show an increase in thenumber of millionaires in the world every year. Talkingabout the "good old times" only offers comfort and aconvenient excuse. If you look around, you'll see there arepeople who behaved the same way in the "good old times" asthey do now, yet their success has been recent. Withtechnology and progress come new ideas, desires and needsand there are more business opportunities appearing dailyto serve them.
I'm too old or young. If you research the life stories ofsome of the most successful people, you'll see that thisisn't true at all. Some became wealthy early in theirlives, perhaps from the stock market, while others foundtheir fortune in their old age. Ray Kroc, was more thanfifty years old when he bought and made the firstMcDonald's.
I don't have enough money to start. You have to spendmoney to make money. This is no different from any otherexcuse like the others, it's obvious this one isn't trueeither. Many have made their fortunes starting fromscratch, living in an apartment or working out of theirgarage and yet, they developed business empires that areworth billions of dollars today. The other elements ofsuccess are far more important than having seed money tostart a business. But yes, often money helps and itcertainly doesn't hurt.
I'll begin when I know everything. Do you believe thatyou will know everything someday? Or even that you'll knowenough to ever be really prepared now? The more you learn,the more you see what you still need to learn. Success andobtaining wealth is a dynamic process. Even if you couldcome out of the gate knowing everything there is to know,some of those elements will change immediately and manywill change rapidly.
If you don't decide now, nothing will happen. Live andlearn. Some millionaires have even allowed themselves to gobankrupt and then, even faster recreated their wealth,sometimes even greater than before. Money itself isn't theobstacle that is keeping you from being wealthy. If you'rereally good in your business, don't worry, because someonethat will offer you money, a bank or business partner willappear who will appreciate your talent knowing you are avery good investment opportunity.
But you can't sit around waiting for this - make it happen.Exercise, and take action as much as you can. Make yourworkplace better or more efficient. After all, even ifsomeone else signs your paycheck, you really work for you.Even if you are an employee in a large corporation - itisn't your corporation, but it is the only corporationthrough which you can prove what you are capable of rightnow.
All of us have what it takes to become a millionaire. Bornwinners, yet few of us know how to take advantage of andcultivate the possibilities hidden inside our own mind. Noone can ever grant you greater potential than your heartalready holds. You need only discover its contents to findthe one true path to your success in life. Born with theseeds to our success, the greatest decisions must alwayscome from the inside. You will discover a new, deep well offortune - yourself.
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