Disturbance caused by electromagnetic interference along a circuit or a cable pair. Crosstalk is usually caused by undesired capacitive inductive or conductive coupling from one circuit part of a circuit or channel to another.
Disturbance, caused by electromagnetic interference, along a circuit or a cable pair. Crosstalk is usually caused by undesired capacitive, inductive, or conductive coupling from one circuit, part of a circuit, or channel, to another.
In telecommunication or telephony, crosstalk is often differentiate as pieces of speech or signaling tones bleeding from other people's connections.
To reduce the effect of crosstalk, we can use the twisted pair cabling in analog connections. And alternatively, we can convert the signal into digital form which is more effective.
Crosstalk is also, denoted co-channel interference in wireless communication, and is related to adjacent-channel interference.
In integrated circuit design, crosstalk normally refers to a signal affecting another nearby signal. Usually the coupling is capacitive, and to the nearest neighbour, but other forms of coupling and effects on signal further away are sometimes important, especially in analog designs. There are a wide variety of possible fixes, with increased spacing, wire re-ordering, and shielding being the most common.
In a music recording setting, the term "crosstalk" can refer to the leakage of sound from one instrument into a microphone placed in front of another musical instrument or singer. A common example is the leakage of the high-pitched, heavily-amplified sound of the lead guitar into the microphones for other instruments. This is nearly always an acoustic effect, not electrical.
Electronic Engineering Services
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