Customers Come First With Six Sigma
Costs are rising to run a successful business and one of the best ways to reduce those costs during the troubled times is to reduce the workforce and ...
Costs are rising to run a successful business and one of the best ways to reduce those costs during the troubled times is to reduce the workforce and find ways to cut into the company budget. There are no simple ways to do those things,

but the Six Sigma program can offer great advice and guidance to lead any business through the bad times. Although the reduction of customer service and the reduced budget might affect the output in most companies, it can be a benefit to any company that uses the Six Sigma method while taking care of the much more important goal of holding on to customers who are always concerned about customer service and are much more picky during the bad times.
IMPROVEMENT WITH SIX SIGMA. With companies across the globe struggling alongside a mired economy, waste has become a painful reality that many corporations cannot afford to ignore any long. Grasping any savings possible is vital to the continued operation and existence of many companies. Revealing areas which are experiencing waste and addressing them in a systematic process is continuing to gain popularity as struggling and competitive businesses look for ways to cut costs and improve efficiency. Six Sigma has emerged within a struggling economy as a method companies can grasp in order to improve: Customer Satisfaction, Productivity, Profitability, Process Development .
A CUSTOMER CENTERED ECONOMY. During an economic down turn, gaining the attention and loyalty of consumers can be tricky and increasingly difficult. Customers who used to be loyal become increasingly finicking with their resources, expecting great things for low, competitive prices. Six Sigma gives companies struggling to gain the attention and loyalty of finicky consumers a leg up, decreasing waste that can be costly to a company while centering improvements and changes on the desires and needs of customer feedback.
Leadership is a key to the success of the Six Sigma program because they can define the improvements needed to make the company more viable and meet the standards that they have set with higher standards. Leaders are expected to provide more interaction between the employees and management and the interaction forges a great way for all levels of the company to work together for a better product.
By pinpointing customer provoked improvements, companies struggling during a poor economy can become increasingly focused on the aspects of their product, service or overall business, listening to the specific needs of consumers and eliminating previous focus on unimportant or unnecessary aspects that are undesirable to target audience members. Six Sigma offers businesses a calculated measurable method of improving customer relations, reducing waste and becoming more efficient so that consumers can be reached and desires met in a more defined way, thus reducing unnecessary efforts.