Finding the right people can be difficult. You can, however, build the right people. If there are more than two people in your organization, you should be learning how to strengthen all of the people that are working with you (and even yourself) in these four key areas.
Jim Rohn said in one of his weekly newsletters “Can a poor person become wealthy? Of course! The unique combination of desire, planning, effort and perseverance will always work its magic. The question is not whether the formula for success will work, but rather whether the person will work the formula. That is the unknown variable. That is the challenge that confronts us all. We can all go from wherever we are to wherever we want to be. No dream is impossible provided we first have the courage to believe in it.”
While I agree in theory with what he said, I would say that the unique combination of desire, planning, effort and perseverance is difficult to find in someone. While we all know that these are the qualities that it takes, I think it is important to recognize that some or all of these skills may need to be developed. The faster you can identify the strengths and weaknesses of people you are working with, the faster you can get them where they want to go.
Desire. This seems like the easiest one right? Wrong. It is amazing now many people cannot articulate what they REALLY want. Once you get past the basics, food, shelter, clothes many people start to struggle with what else they want. Many of us have been told all our lives what we should and should not expect from life. We have also been told that it is somehow wrong to want things. As a result, people struggle with the idea of being wealthy and it is often very difficult to get past all that.
Planning. Some people don’t know how to plan and some people take it to the extreme. Learning how to plan without losing your priorities is a skill. It can be learned. Leaning to follow the plan is also another area that needs consideration. There are lots of books out there about planning and it only takes a web search to find them.
Effort. This is directly tied to desire. The motivation to put forth the effort is often fueled by the desires, or, as it is commonly referred to, the why. It is much easier to put forth the effort if your why is big enough.
Perseverance. Again tied to desire, but also tied to encouragement. People are more likely to give up when they feel alone. It is also easy to give up if you don’t see the big picture. So many things in our lives compete for our attention. Keeping our plans in place can be difficult, but if you can see how the future could be if you stick to the plan, you will be able to persevere through the difficult times.
Leaning to recognize the strengths and weakness in people is a talent all its own. It takes time and patience to learn about people. It also takes a commitment on your part to stay in communication with your team both as a group and on an individual basis as much as possible. Give them the resources they need to developed skills in the areas they are lacking and continue to grow their natural talents. Remember The Law of Compensation from the book The Go Giver “Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.”Connect the Dots
We all know the about the power of connections. What you may not realize is the power of connecting on the internet. When done correctly, this underutilized resource can help you in almost every aspect of your business.Giving With a Goal: Integrating Philanthropy into Business Strategies
Summary: Discover how blending philanthropic objectives with business operations can not only fulfill personal values but also enhance business motivation and success. This approach benefits both society and business owners by aligning personal passions with professional endeavors, creating a powerful force for positive change.Rising Above the Frey
There are always challenges in starting a new business. It becomes even more challenging when you are starting a new venture with a group of people that share the vision, but don't actually work for you. It is important to keep your head above water and don't sweat the small stuff.