Detroit foreclosures, moving focus from residential to commercial foreclosures
Detroit foreclosures are shifting to commercial properties, which form the backbone of the economic development of the city. Even though, commercial properties form one fourth the amount of the residential foreclosures. Commercial Detroit foreclosures, needs extra importance.
Detroit foreclosures have seen many residential foreclosures. A recent survey shows that there is new phase of foreclosures coming up which includes more of commercial properties than residential ones.
Metro Detroit as it is called has never actually seen a metro city boom. It was only recently since 2002 that there were a handful of high end properties that were build and people started to invest in it. Because of Detroit’s ubiquitous automotive companies,

earlier also people invested in commercial properties than residential complexes.
Due to the economic downturn and the union predicament in the city, many industrialist and manufacturers had started to move out and as the conditions worsen the prices and rents of the properties also started to dip and few people invest in those areas. Also the construction industry in Michigan with offices in Detroit lost around 50,000 jobs this year adding to Detroit foreclosure numbers. The unemployment rate also surged up to 15 percent adding to the quandary.
According to a survey, Detroit ranked 50th when people where asked if, they would invest in commercial properties in Detroit. The fact is, in 2009 Detroit real estate market fell by a gigantic 95 percent that is $30 million dollar worth of investments. Compared to other cities vacant office rates here are as low as 23 to 25 percent. Further commercial Detroit foreclosures are expected to rise by 40 percent in the future and apparently rates are expected to plunge by 40 percent approximately.
Apart from the reasons state above, commercial properties descend is attributed to other factors like bad commercial real estate loans, this is a threat to the community banks. Moreover, small banks lend loans to unsustainable commercial properties and when these communities are affected by foreclosure they in turn affect the banks as well.
The above circumstances have led to the lack of demand for the properties in the Detroit area. There is also lack of revenue in the companies. Especially the small firms do not have the capital to protract or enough credit to take loans and buy new properties. They are currently sustaining buy cutting the current revenue or incurring losses.
It is a critical situation. Hence, to control the properties from going in for foreclosures, we need to keep supplementary reserves. The Sales and purchase agreement lending needs to be streamlined. Focus needs to be placed equally on residential and commercial development.