Different Types of Security Holograms
To skip the losses caused by counterfeits, manufacturers are choosing security solutions. Security holograms are one of those such solutions.
In a marketplace,

which is flooded with fake products, brands are losing their identity. Most of the times, brands get drowned in a highly competitive environment, even after being of good quality. If you would remember, in your childhood, there was a candy (better call it a toffee) called Swaad, which had a very tickling taste that you remember sometimes, while missing your old days. Do you know, it is still in the market, but is not sold at your nearby general or daily stores? Sometimes on highways, or maybe in a distant cigarette shop, you will find that toffee. But, if you remember, it was available at almost every nearby general store. Then, all of a sudden, what happened? Why it got disappeared from the market? A probable answer to the above question could be the significant competition. It was their heavyweight competitors that let that candy out of the market. Before it got disappeared, it was rumored (may be true) that the toffee was not a good toffee anymore and most of the toffees were melted inside the package. It badly affected the sale, and very soon, it was disappeared by those daily stores, where it used to be sold. Chances are there that it was hit by the counterfeits. Had the manufactures used some safety measures to secure their brand, it, still, would have been a good competition in the market. They could have used a customized security hologram to prevent the counterfeiting activities that harmed the identity of their product. There are many types of security holograms available, which are used by thousands of thousand brands across the globe. Let us have a look- 2D Holograms: These are one of the most used security solutions in the world. It is a sticker, made using unique images-logo and brand message- and displays the identity of a brand. 3D Holograms: These are, nowadays, the most optimized security hologram, being used by countless brands and manufacturers. It displays three reflections from different angles or dimensions. Holographic Aluminum Foil: These foils are mostly used in the wrappers and packages of medicines. These aluminum foils can be customized according to the requirements. Laser Stickers: These security holograms are designed using laser printing technology that ensures the highest level of security and privacy. These stickers are printed via a special printing equipment that gives out unique images. Barcode Labels: Every product, these days, comes with a barcode image or diagram, which contains all information about that product. Every barcode is unique, and it is almost impossible copy the imaging system of that.