Planning for a Disaster or Flood helps protect your company from the devastating effects of an event. A prepared company has the framework established to start the recovery process faster and increase the ability to recover from a disaster or flood. Disaster and Flood Management starts with a Certified Industrial Hygienist visiting your company to uncover the specific needs of the facility.
Planning for a Disaster or Flood helps protect your company from the devastating effects of an event. A prepared company has the framework established to start the recovery process faster and increase the ability to recover from a disaster or flood. Disaster and Flood Management starts with a Certified Industrial Hygienist visiting your company to uncover the specific needs of the facility.
The environment around us is changing and storms that are once in a century seem to be occurring with increased frequency. Your company needs to take proactive steps now to ensure the success of the future. Disasters and Floods are unpredictable to the specific date, but a Certified Industrial Hygienist can help identify the potential risks your company faces and what precautions can be taken now.
The Certified Industrial Hygienist can outline a plan of action for recovering from a disaster or flood at your facility. This plan describes the order of steps to be taken immediately after the event. The first step is to reduce further damage to the facility. If a water main breaks, the water needs to be turned off as quickly as possible to limit the damaged area. The water should then be removed from the area to address the damage that occurred. Any drywall that was touched with water may have pulled the water higher than the actual flood line and increased the damage done. The insulation behind the drywall also has a tendency to absorb the water and retain it, even if the drywall outside looks dry. Each of these components needs to be replaced to ensure mold does not begin to grow behind the walls and release spores into other areas.
The actions are very important to start addressing as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the facility and increase the amount of time needed to recover from a disaster or flood. Click hereto contact a Certified Industrial Hygienist to put together a Disaster and Flood Management plan for your company. A proactive approach can save the company precious time once disaster strikes and help the company recover from the event. An unprepared company will be left scrambling to decide what to do and have unnecessary delays which cost time and lost production. Some companies may not be able to recover from the event due to poor planning and inability to prepare for the future. The date of a disaster is unknown, but a company can prepare for when the disaster happens.
Occupational Health Overcomes Everyday Hazards
Many workers face different types of hazards on a daily basis. Each company has a responsibility to proactively protect their employees from hazards encountered in the workplace. Accidents or injuries can bring production to a halt, reduce the workforce while the employee is recovering and lead to costly worker compensation claims. A Certified Industrial Hygienist can help your company improve the Occupational Health present at your facility.The Risk from Asbestos
Asbestos poses a major health risk in many office buildings and homes due to the wide adoption and usage of asbestos as an insulator in the construction process. Asbestos can be found in the glue beneath vinyl flooring or in material applied to concrete to regulate the temperature between floors in an office building. These buildings and homes are being remodeled and modernized as an update to the space, but the demolition process can be hazardous if asbestos is present. Test for asbestos prior to starting your next remodeling project to ensure workers are safe.Communicating the Dangers with HazCom
Hazard Communication focuses on explaining the dangers present at the workplace. The employees have a right to understand the hazards present and how to remain safe on the jobsite. A Certified Industrial Hygienist can work with your company to fulfill the HazCom requirement set forth by OSHA.