There is nothing more precious than time. Not money, norlove. Without time, the others don't ... that, how do we spend our time? Do we ... ... passage and make the most of e
There is nothing more precious than time. Not money, nor
love. Without time, the others don't exist.
Knowing that, how do we spend our time? Do we recognize its
unstoppable passage and make the most of each valuable
Some do. Most of us, however, do not.
If we were to equate time spent frivolously with money lost,
would we spend it more wisely?
Maybe - maybe not.
When I started my eBusiness in 1998, one of the first things
I did to get traffic was to submit my site to Yahoo! Back
then, Yahoo! listings were free, the directory was much
smaller and getting huge traffic numbers from them was easy.
Pretty soon, my site was generating sales left, right and
So what did I do? Did I follow suit with another hot,
marketable topic? Did I I repeat the process many more times
to take advantage of Yahoo!'s free advertising and lack of
competition? Did I solidify my future as an Internet
marketer by building my nest and lining it with golden
No, of course not!
I was too busy enjoying the proceeds of my minimal labor -
buying clothes, furniture, property, and a pretty new car. When
I wasn't spending it at home, I was jetting off to exotic
A couple years went by before it crossed my mind that more
money would be even more fun, and that building another site
or two would be an easy way to get more fun money.
By then however, the Internet had changed. After site Number
Two was built and ready for promotion, Yahoo! had started
charging an annual listing fee of $299 for commercial sites.
Thank goodness mine wasn't adult in nature - those were being
charged $600 per year. Not just a one-time fee, but per
Thankfully, Yahoo! 'grandfathered' all its old listings and
my original listing still keeps sending traffic to my site
for fr*e.
Wow! Didn't that make me want to hit myself upside the head
for being slow to build my business?
Not hard enough, it seems.
Not long afterwards, another of my favorite traffic
generators, Overture, raised its minimum bid from a penny to
a nickel. My existing listings were grandfathered at a
penny, for which I was again grateful. However, again I
chastised myself for not having added thousands more
keywords and phrases that would also now be grandfathered.
I could see the writing on the wall, and cautioned myself to
put the past behind and take advantage of present
Did I take my own advice?
Barely. I added just a few more sites and relevant keywords,
and Overture's mimimum bid was again raised, this time to a
So I kicked myself, hard.
If Overture's tendency to increase their prices according to
U.S. coin denominations is any indication, their next
mimimum bid may well be a quarter.
So, will I learn from the past, or will my bruises and
missed opportunities continue to mount?
That choice should be easy for any of us.
Learn from history to put time on your side. Start building
your Internet business now to take advantage of today's
lower prices and competition.
Don't put it off until tomorrow, because after all, tomorrow
never comes, and time IS money!
10 Ways to Get Your Affiliate Site Ready for the Holidays
Affiliate marketing experts Rosalind Gardner and Jeremy Palmer cover ten essential points that you should consider while preparing your holiday season affiliate promotions.15 Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer
© 2004 Rosalind Gardner - All Rights ... are HUGE benefits to ... ... ... your own ... Internet ... and I've comeup wiToo Much Traffic Causes Accidents
While ... my pay per click listing ... ... this past week, I was ... shocked to seethat the cost of one account had more than ... a fewdays ... didn't recall