I often witness a theme with small business owners, particularly the very small ones. They want advice on how to share the benefits of their products with absolute confidence and authority. In this article I give multiple potential scenarios that could be applied for local and ethnic cultures as well.
The wealthiest people are not simply those with the greatest number of zeroes on their balance sheets. The truly wealthiest individuals, families, and businesses are those who have developed their minds and bodies, their relationships, and their ability to give back to society. They are not constrained by self-limiting rules. And, they live their life like they have serious conviction about the value they bring to their local and global client relationships.
You need to have serious confidence and authority about what you offer. If you are intimidated by clients, then a prospect is simply not going to have confidence that working with you is the answer to their problems. They'll ignore, mock, or even question whether you're really good at what you do and then decide they'll keep looking. When that happens it often leads to your anger or resentment - sometimes both. This negative energy is then quite frequently misdirected, possibly at your clients and loved ones, which then causes an entirely new set of problems.
Here's what I've discovered in virtually every country of the world you can find individuals, thousands of them, walking the streets with degrees in their hands...degrees from prestigious universities. They cannot find work or clients. Why? These individuals view the conditions and circumstances that surround them as very frightening. In the past, individuals were recognized and rewarded for what they knew and who they knew. Corporations waited on the sidelines dangling monetary rewards attempting to attract the graduates from the big name universities of the world. The rules have changed; you are now rewarded for how you are known.
So, how are you known by your clients? Are you known as confident? Are you known as being open to working with other cultures? Our clients succeed at adapting to changes. Rather than doing nothing at all, they are responding to global changes and they are responding in a manner that is appropriate. They are becoming leaders, and they are learning that:
1.Local prospects want to work with people who are certain about their abilities.
2.Ethnic prospects want to work and learn from an authority on a subject.
3.Global prospects are looking for someone confident about the results they offer.
4.All prospects are silently begging to be led!
From this moment forward, you cannot afford to be timid about what you offer. You've got to have total confidence about what you do. Not only that, but keep in mind that you got to share your authority in a way that makes the new prospect feel absolutely confident about your abilities.
Your job is not to sell. Your job is to be tenacious about creating high-trust relationships that will help cash-cow clients get out of their way to achieving whatever it is that they want and could use your help with. The way you do that is by showing authority on your product or service, and expressing your capability about the results they'll get with you. And it's all in your way of thinking.
So, be yourself, be a leader, and start speaking with authority from this moment forward. Realize the world has changed. We live in the new era. This is a spiritual world governed by exact laws. Everyone who studies these laws and incorporates them into every aspect of their life will be richly rewarded. It doesn't take much, and yet I guarantee you'll start attracting more clients than you are now. It works!
They Laughed After I Innovated a Niche - - Then I Showed Them How I Was Growing Rich!
Often, I discover that the reason my client's struggle with attracting more clients is that they haven't found a niche to innovate and model themselves after. They're marketing themselves to the general population, which is diluting their effectiveness. Read this article and learn how to innovate a niche to become rich.The High Cost of Ignoring Client Research for Small Businesses
Understanding your target audience is crucial for any business's success. A small business learned this the hard way, incurring a $10,000 loss due to inadequate client research. This article delves into the importance of knowing your clientele and how a lack of this knowledge can lead to costly mistakes. We'll explore strategies for effectively identifying and understanding your target market, ensuring that your marketing efforts resonate with the right people.The Attitude that Attracts Global Clients
Have you ever wondered what it takes to attract clients in another country? Well, it takes a strategy that goes beyond just income and benefits. The most effective business strategy for approaching foreign markets must recognize your attitude towards joy and freedom. If doing business globally gets you nervous, then read this article. Relax and enjoy!