Your marketing mindset/attitude has an important effect on the success of your business. Whether your mindset about marketing is negative, positive, or most likely a little of both, I've found that an "adjustment" is essential every now and then.
I talked in my last blog post about the importance your marketing mindset/attitude has on your success. Whether your mindset about marketing is negative, positive, or most likely a little of both, I've found that an "adjustment" is essential every now and then.
Some of us feel that we have a "good enough" attitude towards marketing and selling our services and ourselves. While there seem to be many more small business owners who look upon marketing as something that is a necessary evil or something that is not too ethical.
Take a look at some of the following statements and see how many have crossed your mind or passed your lips:
* I'm not smart enough to learn that
* My business isn't very special
* Who am I to think people will want to listen to me
* I won't be able to figure it out
* I doubt that I'll be a very big success
* It's too hard to market
* I don't think I'm going to make enough money
* I'm not a good enough speaker, writer (fill in the blank)
* There are much more important things I need to do than marketing my business
* People won't like my offerings
* I don't want to be a pest
* There are already people doing this and they're better than me
* I can't sell
* There isn't enough time to market
Some of these thoughts aren't necessarily specifically about marketing, but they can still affect how we view marketing and perform marketing tasks.
The cause of negative beliefs can come from different directions: other people's opinions and actions, a bad experience, the media, and so on. It doesn't really matter where or how these beliefs originated.
What is important is that you learn to recognize when you're thinking a limiting belief about yourself, your services, your products or your business. You need to realize that this is affecting your willingness and ability to market.
Try using positive affirmations and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.
Try to make marketing a part of every day so that you become more comfortable with it and can start to see the positive returns when you market.
It really doesn't matter what your past conditioning and experiences are, or even how understandable your issues with promoting yourself are. You need to ensure that what you think and say about marketing is positive and supportive of yourself and your vision - or you're going to have difficulty making your business a success.
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