Don’t undermine the potential of your contacts
Read more about business networking and its ideas.
The importance of referrals may not be ignored in business networking. When you have acquaintance with one person,

this relationship has the potential to introduce you to lots of people he has in his contact list. We dont have tags, displaying the names of all the people we know, with us all the time. With every single person in our contact, we can come in contact with lots of contacts in his contacts multiplied by the others in their contact lists. So never undermine the power of networking. Someday you may be shocked to know of a very influential person, in your friends family, you always wanted to have a relationship with. You may not be aware of the potential your contacts possess to refer you.
The value you bring to a networking group is directly proportional to the number of people in your contact and the quality of these links. More people you have relation with, more value you bring to the group. So in a networking community of around 50 people, the number and strength of the referrals that can be generated is immeasurable. Every person knows a lot of more people, each of which, in turn, knows many others. So in referral groups you do not need corporate director or senior managers to generate resourceful referrals for you, neither you need to be rich to get introduction with rich people. You can get acquaintance with many influential people just through a referral group. All you need is the good networking skills and abilities.
Experts always suggest hunting for networking opportunities of a networking event. You cannot know in advance, whom you are going to strike this evening.
A very important thing which must be taken care of and considered cautiously is that dont undermine the referral potential of any person whether rich or poor. Whatever designation a person working at, he can introduce you to lots of people.
For example you might not be thinking of having good relationship with a security guard sitting at the main gate of the company. You must be thinking that he is poor and how he can get good referrals for your business. You are a business owner and he may not know of even a single person. You are underestimating his potential. A person opening gate for every person entering a company may meet many more people than those whom you meet regularly. The number of people he has served yet must be rich and influential people who can help you and your business. Similar is the case with gardeners. They work at big houses and have relations with these big and rich people of the city. They can help you a lot by referring you to these house owners. Similar is the case with all other low scale people who, most of the times, have upscale clientele. They can help you a lot in your networking efforts by providing you referrals of influential people.