Using an education call center helps schools, colleges, and universities with their emergency preparedness plan.
Text messaging has become a part of daily life for young and old alike. No longer creating a generation gap, companies such as Ansafone education call center are rethinking disaster preparedness and emergency response for the schools, colleges, universities, and vocational/technical schools they are employed by. Unfortunately, the days of relying on fire drills to prepare students are over and the schools that have adopted this more technologically savvy approach are experiencing the benefits.
Two well-known examples of text message based emergency alert systems in action can be seen through the infamous 2007 Virginia Tech shooting as well as the Northern Illinois February 2008 shooting. This system has been proven very effective for reaching college students. The call center can create contact groups and notify the entire institution for more drastic emergencies or a more limited list for less drastic emergencies. By using an education call center such as Ansafone, there is no need for the institution to purchase special software or learn how to use it as this is done by the knowledgeable staff at the telephone answering service.
Today, 90% of college students have cell phones and text message regularly. For this reason, an emergency alert system that sends a customizable message to each student is a clear solution to the question of ensuring each students safety. By alerting students to a crime or disaster in progress, a text messaging system prevents disaster. Additionally, it can be used for less imminent emergencies such as a massive snowstorm or a water main break.
Rather than a loudspeaker announcement or flashing lights, a text message emergency system does not require the recipient to be in the location of the disaster. This means preventing innocent bystanders from entering into harms way. Through the use of a telephone answering service such as Ansafone, the organization and implementation of this is done by a knowledgeable and prepared staff so that the administrative and security staff do not need to worry about notifying the population. This allows them to focus on the situation at hand.
By capitalizing on a social medium such as text messaging for the delivery of crucial disaster and emergency response information, schools and higher education institutions that use this are ensuring the safety of their population. This easy, relevant, convenient, easy to use, fast, accurate and effective system of emergency response will save lives and, through the use of an education call center such as Ansafone, this is all taken care of without taxing the institution’s staff.
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