Effective use of Customer Service Skills

Jan 28


Brandon Walker

Brandon Walker

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This article provides information on how business managers can get the best out of energetic employees who display brilliant customer service skills so they can boost sales through superior performance.

There are many employees in the workforce who have brilliant customer service skills but for a number of reasons find themselves being held back and therefore not being given the opportunity to reach their potential.  For example,Effective use of Customer Service Skills  Articles the reason could be because of a restrictive job description, managerial incompetence or a lack of communication between staff and management.  In some companies it can sometimes be an advantage to have an innovative and enthusiastic employee who has the necessary customer service skills and know-how to boost sales figures through superior performance. 

It can therefore be beneficial for businesses to encourage and not hinder energetic employees who are results orientated so they can increase turnover and sales through the use of superior customer service skills.  One effective method Business Managers can introduce is to hold regular staff meetings so employees can be encouraged to make suggestions and provide input into how sales and services can be improved or enhanced.  By collectively discussing and working out better ways of doing things can have a beneficial spin-off by motivating and valuing  employees who may have had an input in the decision making process.

By empowering exceptional employees with a can-do attitude to make decisions and be self-managing, a business is able to tap into different ways of doing things and explore new opportunities for the business that may not have been considered at managerial level.  It can also be a good initiative for businesses to introduce an incentive scheme to reward employees who have displayed exceptional customer service skills that may have for example increased sales turnover or enhanced the company’s reputation.  Alternatively, small tangible rewards from management such as shopping vouchers or thank-you cards can sometimes be enough to express gratitude for a job well done.  

To conclude, business managers therefore need to ensure their key employees who exhibit efficient customer service skills are encouraged, rewarded and kept motivated so they can continue to produce superior performance for their business.