Enhance your Health With a new bed

Jan 26


Lewis Taylor

Lewis Taylor

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The article briefly describes why it is important to acquire a quality bed and sleep on it every single day. Your physical mental and emotional health are improved


It is important to acquire a quality bed.  Gone are the days when society would agree that the most productive members are those who go to bed late at night and wake up early in the morning.  Gone are the days when it was assumed that those who contributed the most to the community are those who neglect sleep.  Doctors and health experts all over the world agree that an adult human being requires an average of eight hours of sleep within each and every twenty four hour period.  It does not matter whether we sleep during the night or during the day,Enhance your Health With a new bed Articles what is important is that we sleep the recommended period of time within the day.  This article shall briefly describe why it is important to acquire a quality bed and sleep on it every single day.


It is important to acquire a quality bed because it is important to sleep.  When we sleep it may look on the surface as if we are completely inactive.  The conscious part of our mind is completely at rest yet our subconscious mind is a giant that never sleeps.  It continues to organize our thought and memories.  It continues to make sense of our experiences and the events that we have been through.  Sleeping plays a sort of housekeeping role in our minds.  Toxins that have built up and accumulated while we are awake and functioning are flushed from our system, and other more positive hormones such as endorphins and dopamine which are depleted as we function get replenished.  When we go for longer than the recommended amount of time without resting we accumulate what is known as a “sleep debt”.  A sleep debt refers to the difference between the amount of sleep time we should be getting and the actual amount of time of sleep that we are receiving.  For example, if we only sleep for one hour out of the eight hours that is recommended, we accumulate a sleep debt of seven hours.  It is not advisable to function and operate while owing a large debt to our beds.


Human beings have created technologies that have allowed us to fly higher, faster and further than any bird has ever attempted.  Our large brains and intelligent minds have been responsible for our remarkable progress.  Other lesser beast in the animal kingdom do not require as much rest as we do.  A giraffe, for example, only requires less forty five minutes of sleep per day.  Their sleep consists of a series of naps that last for less than five minutes in length.  They are not burdened with the complexities of the modern human life.


In conclusion, it is important to acquire a quality bed because it is important to rest.  A quality bed is the perfect partner than will carry you in comfort as you rest.  These days you can easily make a quick search on Google for beds for sale in your area.  You will quickly find many options that suite your requirements and budget.  It is very true to say that a better you begins with a better bed and a better night.

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