I almost can’t believe I’m recommending this! But, the “America Idol” TV show is great learning about what it takes to stand out in the marketplace.
For example, the judges - you know who I mean: Randy, Paula and the infamous Simon - would make comments on the singer's voice quality and whether or not they were sharp or flat (mainly sharp by the way, but I didn't notice 'cause I can only sing Karaoke and not that well). So, in my mind, they are checking out their technical competence, how well they do the core skill of singing. Entrepreneurs are also expected to do one skill very well. Not perfect mind you, but really, really well. To me, it's an ante into the game of business.
The wannabe idols were also assessed by how well they moved on the stage and interacted with the audience, both the live one and the one through the camera. There were times when I was amazed at how well some of these guys and gals made me feel they were looking straight at me with the emotion while they belted out a ballad. Some were "entertaining" as Randy said more than once. Paula sometimes stood up and swayed in response to how she felt pulled in. It reminded me that in business it's not enough to be good at your core skill as a bookkeeper, coach, or free lance writer. Customers want more, they want an experience, from the time they meet you through the time you deliver the goods to the time you wrap up. The singers who created an experience usually received louder applause.
Then came the most interesting learning for me as an entrepreneur. After maybe 2 or 3 singers, one of more of the judges said that what made singers stand out and be exceptional was an "x" or "it" factor. They had an extra special quality that beamed from them and made their performance extra powerful. I noticed that those singers felt more relaxed and comfortable in their own skin. I thought...
I want that! Then I realized there were two qualities to those who had "it" that I could apply to myself as an entrepreneur: passion and self-confidence. If I want to be a real "star" as an entrepreneur, that's what I have to exude. Tall order, but someone's gonna do it and it might as well be me. How about you?Who knew that watching American Idol would teach me so much?! But it did: be good at my core skill, create an experience for customers, be passionate, and believe in myself. Now this is advice I can heartedly recommend to ANY entrepreneur!
Being Inspired by Chocolate
Funny little things that occur to and consequently inspire us!5 Steps To Take Charge Of Your Professional Growth
Sometimes change in our professional lives comes at us expectedly and unwanted, sometimes we initiate it. Either way, how we respond to changes to our professional lives is what really counts. I like to think of it as "Change is inevitable, growth is optional. Choose to grow".We Can Do It Again!
“We Can Do It!” is the banner across one of the most well-known posters during World War II encouraging women to join the workforce for the war effort. You probably remember it - the image of a woman with a red bandana on her head, rolling up her blue shirt sleeve as she makes a fist. It always communicates to me a woman’s strength and determination.