Experience Something Completely Different - Playing on the Korg Keyboard
Whether you are completely new to the world of music or you have been a veteran fan of the Korg Keyboard your entire life, there is nothing like the feel of a professional keyboard or synthesizer.
Korg is coming up with a variety of new product lines like the Korg Kaos Pad and Korg Triton. For anyone who knows a thing or two about music,

they must know the importance of having a branded product. Especially from a classic manufacturer like Korg, you expect only sheer quality and performance, whether you are trying out a synthesizer or a keyboard. The popularity of Korg products began with the start of the company in 1963 when it first started selling quality instruments. Professional and amateur musicians alike were impressed by the sound quality and incredible experience of Korg, which is still known as an industry leader to this day. Korg digital pianos and keyboards have received worldwide acclaim because they are the top quality equipment available no matter where you are. The instruments feature completely original sounds and are accompanied by a wide range of rhythm styles which accommodate musicians at various levels. So what is it exactly that makes Korg one of the best selling brands of musical equipment and synthesizers in the world? In one word: Innovation. Korg Keyboard and Korg products happen to have the most innovative sounds and features available from any music equipment brand. With the Korg M1 release, people began relying more heavily on Korg and it became one of the best selling synthesizers of its time, making Korg one of the most sought after brands in the music industry. When it comes to the latest keyboards from Korg, they have plenty of original concepts and the features are ideal for all kinds of performers. When it comes to the keyboard, Korg gives you an ultimate ability to reproduce excellent sound. One of the best features of these keyboards is that they produce sounds just like an acoustic: with a heavier touch in the lower register and a lighter touch in the higher register. Other features, like the Key Touch Control function, can be combined with Real Weighted Hammer Action III piano keyboard. Musicians can also make their selection from any of the six sensitivity stages to suit their style of playing. 21st century Korg instruments also contain a technology known as Karma which makes this equipment highly effective. Another popular item from Korg is their Kaoss Pad Quad, which enables you to create your own combination of Kaoss effects. An innovative feature is the ability to control four effects by using only a fingertip. It is simply a new step in the evolution of Kaoss technology because the new Korg Kaos Pad provides brilliant LED illuminations, over a thousand effect combinations, new Looper effects, auto BPM detection and versatile controls. Like the latest models of the Korg Keyboard, the Kaoss Pad has also been received quite well and has become increasingly popular all over the world owing to the most effective DJ technology and its touch pad based effect control.