If you’re looking to buy strain gauge load cell for your project, it is important for you to understand the factors that can affect the performance of the cell on your project.
What is strain gauge load cell?These cells are transducers or objects that will transform a force into an electrical current. When a force acts on the cell, it creates up a resistance in the internal circuit. The resistance level determines the value of the electrical current output and that is in turn calibrated into a measurement for the force applied.How this technology works?The process explained above is called Strain Gauge technology. Most of the compression cells today are made using Strain gauge measurement, which work on the basis of converting force into an electrical output. Non-electrical methods such as hydraulic and pneumatic were used in the past, but have been evaded by the practical nature of strain gauge cells.When you go to buy these cells, you will certainly find a great range of styles and features available. The main four factors to consider while making purchase include:The force level or weight capacity. Given the particular needs of your applications, there are many models that cat match to every level right from 10 lb to over 30,000 lb and more.Always remember that these cells are highly accurate objects. They generally can handle accuracy levels of within 1% and much more. Some display higher accuracy statistics than others, so this will be a point of consideration when you make an order.
There are different structures such as a load button, pancake, S-type and shear beam. Again, it depends on your application and other requirements of your project. Note that there are also miniature ones that have higher capacities in spite of their small bodies.Strain gauge load cells are made up of different materials; some of them are tougher than others. Make sure you check the industrial ratings associated with the products as well.
Internet is the best place to conduct your research on these cells and you can get access to enormous information free of cost. I am sure this information will help you in making the best deal.
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