Each of us knows at least 250 people that we don’t even know that we know. So, even if you don’t know enough people to make you wealthy, the people you know know enough people!
Each of us knows at least 250 people that we don’t even know that we know. Each of us has constant and continuous meetings with people: spontaneously in the elevator, on the bus or on the train to work, at the grocery store—everywhere.
The Law of Attraction
Decide that you are a master of the Law of Attraction. If you haven’t seen the video called The Secret, by Rhonda Burns (it has been viewed by more than 100 million people), get it, watch it multiple times, and use its easy, result-getting principles. Also be sure to read The Master Secret and The 9 Laws of the Power of Thought in this series. These books are phenomenal and will change your life instantly and forever.
Every one of us is forever attracting. As we become conscious of this principle, we can use it more wisely and effortlessly to achieve all the good that we desire.
Use the Law of Attraction to think about bringing into your experience the ideal people who need, want, and can easily afford your product and who have a network of their own that they would like to share it with immediately.
Like you, they have 250 people they would invite to their wedding or who would be invited to their funeral.
All they need is a request stimulus to do-the-do.
For Example…
When I was with the above-mentioned herbal and vitamin company, I was forever ready to talk to anyone and everyone about it.
A client and friend of mine in the mortgage industry had me come down to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, to speak to her group. The night before, at dinner, she mentioned that her six-year-old son was having constipation problems and was only going to the bathroom once every ten days. She said that her doctor had said if that was normal for her child, it was OK.
She intuitively knew, and now heard from me, “Three meals in should equal three meals out—each and every day.”
I explained the product. She loved the story and wanted to see the product. When she looked at the 29 herbs in a can, she exclaimed, “But . . . it’s dust! Surely you don’t think my child will drink dust?”
When her son arrived, I mixed some of the powder in purified water; and we each drank a glass. The next morning before dawn, the son pounded on my door ecstatically, shouting, “Hey, you won’t believe it; it was this long!” He demonstrated with his widely spread hands that he’d had a two-foot-long poop. All this happened because he had ingested the right nutrition and it went through his ascending, transverse, and descending colon. His mom became a true believer, compelling storyteller, master recruiter, car- and trip winner, top earner, speaker, and presenter in the network marketing industry and a big-time money maker.
Inside of you, as Dr. Russell Conwell wrote in his must-read, classic book Acres of Diamonds, you have unlimited potential just waiting for the requisite stimulus.
Let this be the requisite stimulus to help you help yourself, your family, your team, and your future enrollees to have a bigger, better, greater, and grander future.
Even if you don’t know enough people to make you wealthy, the people you know know enough people!
Instant Learning of Conceptual Knowledge – Steps 3 to 5
I used to teach something called Accelerated Learning. Then I decided it was too slow, so now I am teaching Instant Learning! Here are steps 3 to 5 for instant learning.Network Marketing – Follow Through, Helping Others, and Believing in Yourself
At the end of the day, network marketing is a business; and to succeed in business you have to follow through. To build a network, you need to focus on other people, and you need to believe in yourself.Create an Irresistible Product Story That Works Every Time!
We’ve looked at the power of the opportunity story in network marketing. Now let’s look at other crucial piece of the puzzle – the product story.