When you think about floral display racks, you might be tempted to think they’re only beneficial for businesses geared specifically toward selling flo...
When you think about floral display racks,

you might be tempted to think they’re only beneficial for businesses geared specifically toward selling flowers. After all, if your business doesn’t sell flowers, why would a floral display rack benefit you?
The answer isn’t so much that floral display racks would indeed benefit your business, even if your business doesn’t sell flowers; rather, the answer is that selling flowers would benefit your business, no matter what kind of business you manage, and floral display racks are just the tools to help get you started.
Flower Shops
It might seem like a bit of a no-brainer for flower shop owners to include floral display racks in their stores, but many flower shops deal with direct orders. Including a floral display rack already filled with bundles of fresh cut flowers creates an extremely convenient option for customers on the go!
Gift Shops
Flowers are some of the most popular gifts around. They work well for happy occasions such as birthdays and graduations, as well as somber occasions such as a surgery or funeral. Gift shops – especially those located in hotels or hospitals – would be incomplete without a floral display rack or two.
Convenience Stores
You might not think convenience stores are the best place to sell or purchase flowers, but they’re called “convenience stores” for a reason: They offer convenience items to customers who, for whatever reason, can’t access the items anywhere else at that particular time.
Because flowers are wonderful gift options for nearly any occasion, it only makes sense to offer your convenience store’s customers at least a small selection of flowers – whether they’re real or artificial.
Grocery Stores
Whether it was a small, locally owned grocer or a large, national chain, you’ve undoubtedly been to a grocery store that sold flowers.
As they’re shopping for groceries, many grocery store customers are also shopping for extras. For example, a customer might be in the grocery store shopping solely for the ingredients for that night’s perfect dinner date. Whether the flowers are going to be arranged in a vase on the table or offered as a gift, doesn’t it make sense to include a floral display rack filled with fresh flowers for your customers?
Hotels and Motels
Just as people travel for various reasons, people stay overnight in hotels and motels for various reasons. In other words, not everyone travels and stays in hotels for vacation or business purposes. Some travel and stay in hotels to spend time with their loved ones in long-distance relationships, some travel and stay in hotels to be closer to the hospital a family member is staying in, and some travel and stay in hotels to be able to attend the graduation of a friend or family member from high school, college, or even military boot camp.
Flowers work for all occasions, and when hotel or motel managers set up floral display racks in their lobbies, they’re offering their guests quick and convenient access to gift ideas for whomever they’re visiting.