We all have wishes. Wishes are goals, but goals with a little snap, crackle, and pop. Goals provide the process that can take you where you want to go, but too often they don't provide the inspiration to get you there.
Wishes aredifferent. They have impact - like being struck bylightning instead of by a lightning bug. They let youdream. They let you soar. They let you tap into a source oflimitless possibility and boundless energy that gives youthe power to accomplish what you might otherwise never haveimagined. How we achieve our goals, are simplified by doingthe following:
Intensify Desire- Desire is the first step of goalachievement and the foundation. Have you set personal orbusiness goals and failed to achieve them? Here is acrucial question: WHY? The answer is simple; because we didnot have a strong enough desire. Some may argue with that.But I did have a strong desire and still I didn't get there.
How do you identify intense desire, passion? It's whatkeeps people working all hours, up early, late to bed. Thedesire dominates conversation, thinking, actions. Take amoment to think about the goals you've set for yourself.How committed are you to achieving these goals? Under whatconditions would you give up? What if you couldsignificantly increase your desire to achieve these goals?What if you wanted them so badly that you knew withabsolute certainty that you would absolutely, positivelynever ever give up?
When you are truly 100% committed to reaching your goals,you move from hoping to knowing. If you want somethingbadly enough, then quitting is simply not an option. Youeither find a way or make one. You pay the price, whateverit takes. By creating intense desire you can realize theimpossible dream. Develop a sincere desire to achieve thegoal. A wish or daydream has no substance; it is vague,unformed, and unsupported by action. Desire puts actioninto your plan.
Strong desire is success power. How to Intensify YourDesire, how then can we intensify desire? Here are foursteps you can take to cultivate burning desire to achieveany goal you set for yourself:
1. List The Benefits. Write down the benefits of achievingyour goal. What is in it for me? Identify exactly "Why" youwant to achieve this goal. List all the ways how will youbenefit personally. Why not do this exercise today with oneof your goals. Have you set a goal for your business tomake $X this month? Making money for the sake of it after awhile becomes mundane. There has to be something more. Makea list of all the benefits from using that money. Whatdifference will it make to your family, your lifestyle,your enjoyment of life, your business growth? What if oneof your goals is to develop a skill or awaken a dormanttalent or ability? Write down a huge list of the benefitsthis will bring you and your loved ones, or your business.The more you write, the more details your mind conjures up,the greater the intensity of desire becomes. Once the listgets past 20 or 30 benefits your goal becomes unstoppable.
2. Burn The Ships. If your goals are really importantenough to you, then you can start by burning the proverbialships, such that you have no choice but to press on. Forinstance, if you want to launch your own business, you canbegin by making the commitment to quitting your job. Writea letter of resignation, put it in a stamped envelopeaddressed to your boss, and give it to a trusted friendwith firm instructions to mail the letter if you haven'tquit your job by a certain date. If you don't burn thoseships, you are sending the message to your subconsciousmind that it's ok to quit. And when the going gets tough,as it inevitably does for any worthwhile goal, you willquit. If you really want to achieve your goals, then you'vegot to burn those ships to the ground, and scatter theashes.
3. Feed Your Mind with Excellent Information. Inspirationalbooks and audio programs are one of the best fuel sourcesfor cultivating desire. If you want to quit smoking, read adozen books written by ex-smokers on how to quit the habit.If you want to start a business, then start devouringbusiness books. Go to seminars on occasion. It is advisedthat you feed your mind with some form of motivationalmaterial, books, articles, audio programs for at least 15minutes a day. This will continually recharge yourbatteries and keep your desire impenetrably strong.
4. Use Mental Programming. This is a Neuro-LinguisticProgramming (NLP) technique that will help you associatestrong positive emotions to whatever goal you're working toachieve. Find some music that really energizes and inspiresyou. Put on your headphones and listen to it for 15 to 20minutes, and as you do this, form a clear mental picture ofyourself having already achieved the results you want. Makeyour imagery big, bright, vivid, colorful,three-dimensional, panoramic, and animated. Picture thescene as if looking through your own eyes. This will helpyou form a neuro-association between the positive emotionselicited by the music and the goal you want to achieve,thus strengthening your desire. This is a great way tobegin each day, and you can even do it while lying in bedwhen you first awaken if you set things up the nightbefore. You should cycle the music periodically, since theemotional charge you get will tend to diminish if youlisten to the same songs each time.
If you apply these four strategies, you'll add so much fuelto your desire that the fire will never burn out. You'llmove towards your goals like a guided missile to itstarget, and you'll enjoy the process because you'll be sofocused on the positive rewards instead of the difficultyof the tasks. If you get enough positive energy flowinginto you, you'll soon have positive results flowing out ofyou. Desire is the great motivation. The powerful forcethat drives you toward your goals.
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