There are certain strategies that virtually all successful professionals apply in order to be successful. This article explains the first four strategies that must be mastered.
Having a coaching business for real estate agents requires me to constantly speak to and study the top producers in that industry—and I’m not complaining. I learn more from every telephone interview I conduct and I know that most of the real nuggets can be applied to success in virtually any industry. In fact, I’ve identified the six areas of excellence that most top producers possess. And, please understand, this isn’t pie-in-the-sky information that I pulled out of my hat, hoping someone would buy something I’m selling. This is statistically sound data, translated in a way that anyone can apply. Here we’ll discuss the first two critical steps that you begin to work on immediately.
1. CLEAR GOALS. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times: it is impossible to get where you’re going if you don’t have an address. It’s like telling me you plan on driving across the country but you don’t have a map. Please. Luck and chance are fine when you’re gambling at the casino or betting on horses (foolish, but fine), but in this thing called your life, are you willing to just end up where you end up without a say in where that is? I sure hope not! In working with agents and lenders who are trying to get their game on, the first thing I have them do is decide what it is they really want. Too many people get into sales because they think it’s easy money. Well, if your values are in alignment with your goals, then yep, it is pretty easy. However, most folks wouldn’t know their values if they hit them in the head. If you know your values---what really makes your heart sing---and then attach clear and specific goals (dreams with deadlines) to them, you are about 100 times ahead of the masses. Move to the front of the class.
2. ENERY. I’m not going to belabor this one because it happens to be the one that people least like to hear. But let’s just face the facts: you require energy; mental and physical, in order to perform. In fact, in my most recent book I tell real estate agents, “You can’t sell any houses when you’re dead.” Literally, it’s impossible. You think you have trouble closing a deal now? Try it from your grave. Not happening. Having written two health books several years ago, I noticed one thing to be true: only sick people came to my book signings and seminars. In other words, no one much cares about health until they lose it. I know and understand this concept; I was sick and nearly died and didn’t want to ever get that close to death’s door again (at least not until I am much older). At any rate, your body won’t function properly (or maybe not at all) if you don’t care for it.
We pour tons of poisonous, toxic food and chemicals in our bodies, and we absorb even more from our environment. As I said, I won’t belabor this anymore, but suffice it to say that if your body and mind are not sharp, you won’t be the one to get the deal or the promotion. At least not for too long. Any top producer knows his health and his energy are his most important assets. You cannot leap buildings, court prospects and close deals if you barely have the energy to digest that double-bubble cheese burger from McWherever!
3. ATTITUDE & MIND-SET. In my experiences as a trainer and coach (and former counselor and hypnotist), I would venture to say that the vast majority of folks with unfulfilled dreams (unmet goals) are suffering in this area. Jeez, I could spend hours talking about this…oh wait, I actually DO! With the exception of one text-like book, all of my other books focus hugely on this enormously important facet of success (and life, for that matter). You see, if your attitude is not right, nothing else will be either.
I happen to be a big proponent of the idea that what you focus on expands: what you think about all the time is sure to pass. It’s quantum physics and beyond debate. Here’s the problem I see with people who fail most miserably: they refuse to take responsibility for their lot in life. Sure, maybe you had a mean mom who favored your sister or maybe you got hurt badly in another way—no matter. In this lifetime it’s important to understand that ALL OF US have suffered some injustice or another, and so what?
Who cares if your injury was worse than mine? What IS important is how each of us DEALT with what our lives had delivered to us. We all have the same choice: deal with things and move on, or sit and sulk and reminisce about how terrible our life has been.
In all the clients I have had the pleasure to coach in various industries and walks of life, I could always tell which ones would succeed and which ones would fail. The ones who were willing to take responsibility for their lives up until that point had potentially promising futures, whereas, those who insisted they were victims of someone else’s action were likely going to remain in failure mode.
The road to success has no room for the blame game or the pity parade. Your thoughts are alive with energy constantly pulling more of the same quality back into your life. If you think toxic thoughts, you’ll get toxic results. If, on the other hand, you fill your mind with the infinite possibilities available to you this very moment in time…you will begin to attract a myriad of people, circumstances and ideas that will serve you beyond your wildest dreams!
Well there you have the first three areas of excellence for successful people. In the follow up article (Part II), I’ll cover the last three. For now, focus on these first three and you will be well on your way to a life of joy, success and prosperity.
4. EXCELLENT ORGANIZATIN is next. Recently I read where a very rich money-making diva said, “Money doesn’t come to chaos.” And I immediately cleaned my desk. The funny thing is that once I organized my office, I noticed my efforts being streamlined; I could easily find what I was looking for and the neatness of my desk and office somehow seemed to make me feel more grounded and in charge of my day. Top producers understand that organization is key to success. And, if they tend to hate paperwork, cleaning or filing, they delegate it to someone else. It makes perfect sense that in order to work effectively and efficiently, we’ve got to start with a clean palate (or desk or car or calendar). Only then can we identify how we spend our time, schedule in more money-making activities and delegate out the things that bore us to tears.
Obviously, there is more to organization then can possibly be explained and described in this short articles, but there are, after all, numerous books and programs on this very topic. Automation and effective systems are key to organization, but ultimately, a clear mind with a solid intent is the first step.