Garage Door-An Overview
A garage door is basically very large door which can open manually or it can be opened by a garage door opener.The typical single car garage door has springs in its mechanism but in the large roller doors have no spring loaded in it.
A garage door is basically very large door which can open manually or it can be opened by a garage door opener. The size of garage door must be large so automobiles and trucks can easily pass through the gate.The garage doors are usually very heavy in weights. In 1921 the first garage door was invented. The garage door was upward lifting. The first garage door was invented by C.G Johnson. C.G Johnson also invented 1st electric garage door. The single panel garage doors are very popular. These garage doors can open by sliding them upward. It is a single panel door and can open fully,

Sectional garage doors can slide up and overhead. The sectional garage doors don’t need any extra space for outside the garage. You can park your vehicle very close before opening the door. These doors can be made of many materials. The most widely used materials are Steel, aluminum, wood and vinyl.Roller doors are constructed from steel. Other materials can also be used in construction these of these doors like fiberglass. The typical single car garage door has springs in its mechanism but in the large roller doors have no spring loaded in it.
A new garage door material is consists of steel sheet formed which is look as a raised panel wooden door. The varieties of steel doors are available which includes un-insulated, insulated and double skins steel are. The designs for garage doors are not popular but in 2002 there are many new designs come and many manufactures starts producing the steel doors with merged vinyl boards. This affect give steel doors appearance as wood doors. In the garage doors the most popular doors are of steel garage doors. Steel garage doors are popular for the weight of door, no decomposing and various types of designs. Many people are now using steel stamped construction it is very economical way for garage doors.
The steel garage doors are very safe. There is less chance of damage. The garage is usually used to park your car and you want to park your car in safe parking. The garage doors can safe your cars from thief, and scratches. You always want that garage door must be heavy and designed in this way that can’t be opened easily. The best choice is to choose steel garage doors.The garages doors must be designed in this way that there suspension system are best. If suspension system is not good it can drop on you and your car any time. So the quality of garage door must be high and it can also resist in heavy wind load. The garage doors must have proper balancing system.20,000 per year injuries are calculated in US only due to the garage doors. So it’s important for you to always maintain them and if you are observing any fault contact with garage door dealer for maintenance service. Don’t ignore the defects may be this will harmful for you in future.