Smart marketers know that the power of leveraging new marketing tactics with existing strategies is the way to get the most out of your time, expertise and resources. Discover how to utilize the power of your free-giveaway to the fullest.
A free-giveaway is a vital first step in marketing your business and building a list of prospects that you can turn into customers and clients.
Once you create your free-giveaway, you don't need to touch it again. Remember, there will always be new people who "discover" you - new people you'll be getting into your marketing funnel, pipeline or pyramid (however you think of it).
Your free product is aimed at this constant stream of new prospects and is the vehicle you use to build the marketing relationship with them, build credibility, earn their like and trust and convert them into loyal clients and customers. Re-purposing
So your free-giveaway will always exist as a stand-alone and entry point into your marketing system for the majority of your list. This doesn't mean, though, that you can't build on the work you've done with your free sampler and leverage its power.
Another word for this is re-purposing your work. That's what smart marketers and business people do: take the time and money you've invested in something and re-purpose it to use in conjunction with, or as another marketing tactic or product and service.
For example, with your free-giveaway you can take out pieces of it and write articles around it, blog posts and ezine content. In this way, you spend the time once on creating your free product but you take parts of the content and re-purpose (or recycle) it to use in other marketing strategies that you employ.
By subscribing to your free sampler people let you know it's a subject they're interested in. Remember that one of the key reasons you have created a free-giveaway is to get people's contact information so that you can start a marketing relationship with them.
Once you have a way to keep in touch with people, you can start giving them more information about your products and services - with one of the end results being they become customers and clients.
So really, all your marketing tactics after your free product are aimed at up-selling people in some way:
* on your free valuable information (your ezine or articles)
* on your products designed to help them
* on your services that solve their problem
* on your upcoming seminar or workshop that gives them more information or help
* on your monthly teleseminar that addresses their core issues and offers solutions
* on other people's products or services that could be of use to them
Smart marketers, like yourself, know that the power of leveraging new marketing tactics with existing strategies is the way to get the most out of your time, expertise and resources.
Schedule a few minutes today to see if you are utilizing the power of your free-giveaway to the fullest.
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