Have you ever turned down an opportunity because you were afraid - this has happened often in my life because of my fear of water and, no doubt, this translates into many areas in the life of an entrepreneur.
Well, this past week, I had a situation come up which included a ‘water experience’ – and, because it also involved my grandchildren, I did some fast thinking. One thing I know for sure is that many of our fears are unfounded and they stick with us a very long time unless and until we learn how to get past them.
But it’s not just a matter of ‘thinking’ about it – we’ve got to learn some specific skills and strategies for getting past fear – and, just as important, is to have a reason ‘why’. For me, it was critically important that I not demonstrate fear about getting on a boat in front of my grand-children. Yes, I am afraid of water – and so I just don’t put myself in those situations. Period.
However, I will say that when the situation arose recently to get on a boat – with my grandchildren during their first and very special visit with me – I had my ‘why’. It was actually quite amazing to me just how simple it was in a very short period of time. You can translate this into business too – here’s what I did.
1) Identify the fear. First and foremost, you’ve got to know what ‘it’ is. That’s what I did about the boat – mostly, for me, it was a deja-vu about a childhood experience of being thrown off a boat to learn how to swim – well, that didn’t work for me then, and it doesn’t work for me now.
In business, we know there are many fears getting in the way of our success – fear of sales calls, fear of public speaking, fear of raising our prices. So, for you, identify what ‘it’ is that is getting in your way of success.
2) What other reason is there to hold on to that particular fear? For me, it is the loss of control. While I’m already experiencing fear, why would I put myself in a situation where I am not in absolute control of what’s happening? Nope. Not me. So, I knew at that time, there were other issues at play.
In business, this happens all the time, too. Once you’ve identified the specific fear that is holding you back from growing your business, take some time to reflect on what else is at play here. Because there will be something. It’s like the ripple effect.
3) Identify a very strong and compelling reason/vision for getting past that fear. In this instance, I absolutely did not want to pass on any unnecessary fears to my grandchildren – especially when I couldn’t even explain a rational ‘why’ that was holding me back. You see, my big ah-ha in that moment was that the reason to GET ON THE BOAT was much, much stronger than the fear holding me back from the experience. That was HUGE for me. And when the boat started going right up to Niagara Falls (and we were getting soaked), the splendor of it all had me totally immersed in the experience rather than focused on the fear. HUGE breakthrough! We talked about this for hours afterwards.
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that
something else is more important than fear.”
Meg Cabot
In business, this can be the same type of experience. I just want to shout this out to you because it was so big for me!!!! Think about the one fear you have in business that is holding you back and what would it look like for you to get past that fear – would it be something like charging $2,000 for a VIP Planning session with you? Would it be getting your first TV interview and being out there in a big way? What would it be – how exciting would it be for you to have that experience – what difference would that make in your business.
“Do one thing every day that scares you.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
4) GET ON THE BOAT. The joy and satisfaction of stepping into the fear, focusing on the benefit of the experience and wallowing in the reward of having taken action is all very exhilarating! Words really do not describe it! (so be sure to check out my YouTube channel and watch the video I created ‘right off the boat’!)
In business, once you experience a breakthrough like that, there’s no going back. There just isn’t! And that helps to build your sense of self-efficacy in that you begin to feel like you can do anything. Truth is – you can! You have the power.
YOU have the power to hold on to fear or to step into it, through it and out to the other side – both in life and in business. The rewards are incredible. The sense of freedom and power are amazing. There is no stopping you now. THAT’s the energy and confidence that attracts ideal clients, positions you to make all the money you want – and separates you from the crowd!
“I’m intimidated by the fear of being average.”
Taylor Swift
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