Anytime you call 1-800 anything you are calling a call center. Your call might be directed to Salt Lake City, to the Philippines or to India, but it is likely going to a brick and mortar facility at a great expense to the company at hand. A call center is any sort of telephony operation handling sales, customer service, inbound or outbound needs of a company.
Companies like West Interactive realized this dilemma for businesses and created the first of call center solutions - the outsourced call center. Outsourced call centers gave new flexibility and ease of entrance because they took on the overhead, opened the facility, hired and trained workers. A company would call up and say, I need one representative answering calls from 9-5, handling sales and returns inquiries and transactions. West would say, we're happy to service you, send over the proper script and all other information to familiarize our worker on your company and we'll get them talking - for approximately $1.85 per minute. The most recent call center solution dawned with the advent of VOIP – voice over Internet protocol technology. VOIP allows for remote locations of Teleworkers, which means the ability of a home-based worker operation. With reduced long distance pricing and the removal of such overhead like the brick and mortar, savings are quite tremendous. For only $99 per monthly seat plus 10-30 cents a minute for direct labor, the economics are incredibly compelling. Companies like Freedom TeleWork have created solutions just this revolutionary.
With an online solutions there is far greater ease and speed of sign up – choose calling preferences B2C (Predictive Dialing) or B2B (Progressive Dialing), choose Teleworkers (or bring your own), upload a script and in minutes a highly advanced call center operation is deployed with drastically reduced costs.
Clearly, the immediate savings and return on investment for a company are quite substantial. Virtual Call centers are revamping the accessibility and return on investment for companies' customer relations across the globe.
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It was once, many moons ago, back in the 90s, that the web was a place of simple content. Filled with stale information like directories and dictionaries, the world wide web was largely a home of facts and content. Over the last dozen or so years, the Web 2.0 Generation has changed all of that, bringing the Internet to be truly inter-operable and inter-active and certainly a lot more inter-esting.Dialing for Dollars Making the most of your Call Center
Predictive dialing is perhaps the most advanced telephony function in modern day call centers.By dialing numerous phone lines for each agent and screening out busy signals, no answers, disconnects, and answering machines, Predictive dialing will increase the productivity up to 300%.From Call Center Blues to Call Center Green
Like many old school call centers, TeleWorkers are required to sit in brick and mortar facilities, in cubicles, in neon lighting and for perhaps a dozen hours at a time. The Wall Street Journal reported a few months ago, the average call center employee duration is 90 days.