Good Shop Signs Attract The Right Kind Of Attention
Just walking around the business district of any modern town will reveal a multitude of spectacular shop signs in many different configurations. These...
Just walking around the business district of any modern town will reveal a multitude of spectacular shop signs in many different configurations. These seemingly modern innovations have an ancient historical tradition. The changes brought about in modern times relate more to what is possible in a sign,

rather than the intent.
Any sign has a couple of primary functions, such as attracting custom and displaying the name of the business. What the business supplies may often also be shown, but is not essential, although frequently the name itself gives an indication. In any case, it is essential to achieve the first two objectives, as others can follow later.
In order to attract attention a sign should preferably be large. Signage that flash or has flickering arrows can help to draw attention to a shop, as do signs made in distinctive shapes. Contrasting colors or simply black and white can also attract notice. A white background often helps the rest of a sign stand out. Any writing should be large and easily-readable: people are not going to trouble further if the writing is too small.
Having a good branded logo helps immediate recognition, as customers know right away what is being sold. Pub signs in England were originally designed for illiterate customers, so conveyed a very simple message. Modern technology has expanded on this with suitable words as well. A sign with self-explanatory pictures still works ell for people not familiar with the local language.
Any business engaged in the production of signage will be aware of all of the points mentioned. As there are now so many interesting technologies and materials available, it is possible to produce exceptional designs. Yet it is still a very competitive field, because it is necessary for a sign to be really distinctive, not lost in a blur of flashing lights. It is worth doing well, as there can be an appreciable boost to turnover from a great sign.
An important point is to have the signage complement the sign writing on the windows or store front as well as the window-dressing. If the signage can be combined with a live display of some sort, such as cuddly pets or mouth-watering food with appropriate aromas, then this will probably be the best option. Anything which helps the business express its individuality helps.
The other side of this is that badly-designed signage can impact adversely on businesses. Errors should not be encouraged, although sometimes a deliberate spelling mistake is made thinking this will serve to focus attention. This tactic can backfire, as the business may seem slipshod and sub-standard for not checking such a simple point, and customers could be put off. Good quality makes a better impression.
Your shop signs are your first direct contact with potential buyers, so a good impression is paramount. Only a top-class sign-making company should be considered, as you want to achieve the best result possible. You are looking for a firm with an outstanding reputation for innovative design and good workmanship. Cutting costs in this area is not advisable, as it can play such a large part in any success achieved.