This article will show you the basic steps in creating and managing a green office. Every day, in our own simple way, we can gradually change this earth and make it a better place for all of its inhabitants. This article helps to demonstrate another step in becoming a "Green Thumb" in all aspects of your life.
Usually when you hear a person has or is called a green thumb,

they are people who are fond of planting crops, vegetables, flowers, etc. and working to make them blossom and grow. Well, we can also be a green thumb, not only in propagating and producing plants, but also in our workplace. Maybe you are wondering how this could be done? Well, this article will show you the basic steps in managing a green office.
Before we even get to green our office, we should do a bit of general self assessment in preparation:
Organize and record our work routines
Organize and record the structure of our office files & inventory
Organize and record the hierarchy of assignments and duties
Have a system in place to monitor working deadlines and stay focused on the most important things.
By doing these things, we not only can see what a difference being green thumbs in the office can make, but your overall business and routine can become more organized and streamlined. This in turn gives you efficiency, which is the name of the game. By taking suggestions or researching for better systems, you can actually get way more done in the same amount of time, or better yet, get the same amount done, in less time, and LEAVE EARLY, whether thats physically, or just mentally.
Maximum Effort, Minimum Power - Some simple tips to go a long way in greening your work life. The most important component of greening your office is to conserve energy. Most of our offices these days are using computers and other similar electronic devices, printers, fax machines, external hard drives. When away from your desk or done for the day, turn these machines off or put them in standby mode. Other simple ways to conserve energy are to do the simple things like using CFL light bulbs, take advantage of sun light when possible, shutting down kitchen or break room appliances after office hours. It should be your office doctrine to turn it all off after work. Many countries around the world, and a growing number in the United States use siestas or extended breaks in the middle of the day, when power and other utility usage might otherwise be at a peak. This does immeasurable things for your health and mind as well.
Another important aspect to greening your office and work is to be digitally inclined. In doing your research assignments, reading emails and storing files, it is best that we don’t print documents. Rather, store all of these files in your computer. Get an external hard drive to store lots of information, and to create a back-up of important documents. Some find this difficult, being used to using hard copies, but as a start, we can gradually change this practice by enabling our mind to understand how much of a difference it can make. Trees are cut to produce paper and everyone has seen the numerous articles, books, television programs, etc. that explain why our forests are so important to our environment and livelihood. Some other devices to store and back up important data are flash drives (USB), CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, and mass storage services that are becoming more and more popular.
Not every thing can remain or be done digitally, so be a recycled paper lover. Not only is recycling all paper extremely important, but it is recycled paper is also important for purchasing. Just like many green items, paper made from recycled materials is becoming more popular and better quality. Also be sure to use the backs of used documents for scratch paper or less important uses. This can also be done with photocopying documents.
Redecorate the workplace. In the office, you can make use of recycled decorations and furniture made from re-used materials. Don’t put too much paper and other documents on your desk. If its there, your more inclined to use it. Displaying plants to brighten and green things up can also result in a happier more calm atmosphere. Most people would be utterly astonished by how much more they can achieve and efficient they can become by reducing clutter and waste.
If these practices are applied in the workplace, we will definitely have an improved output in our work, helping us to better manage our deadlines, and contribute to the conservation and preservation of our planet. This is by no means a complete list, but a great start.
Every day, in our own simple way, we can gradually change this earth and make it a better place for all of its inhabitants.