The biggest reason why most new business startups fail today can be ... to lack of ... No matter how great your product or service is, if you don’t promote your ... you won’t have
The biggest reason why most new business startups fail today can be attributed to lack of marketing. No matter how great your product or service is, if you don’t promote your business, you won’t have customers. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be expensive, when you’re just starting out on the entrepreneurial path. An excellent book I recommend is “Guerilla Marketing for Free” by Jay Conrad Levinson. It gives several great marketing ideas that don’t cost a dime. Some include:
Ø Making Guarantees (money back if not completely satisfied) and offering Free Trials - These are both ways of removing the feeling of risk in your prospects eyes.
Ø Offering Gift Certificates- An excellent gift idea for customers, prospects or friends and a great way to spread the word about your business.
Ø Using Free Classified Ads on the Internet- Run a google search on “free classified ads” to find all of the sources available.
Ø Designing superb business cards- Be Creative. These should be unique in design with as much information as possible about your service.
Ø Writing E-Books- In the information age, writing can help you earn instant credibility among your prospects and customers.
Ø Writing a column in your local newspaper- Again, this gives you credibility and establishes you as an authority in your field.
These, as well as dozens of other straightforward ideas listed throughout the book, will benefit any startup business lacking a huge marketing budget.
Do What You Love!
... as I drove back from ... I listened to an ... on the Dave Ramsey Show between Dave and ... ... author Frank Peretti. With over 15 million of his ... novelsCreative Income From Your Hobby
"Work and Play are words used to describe the same thing under ... ... - Mark TwainOur work really should be an ... of ... we enjoy. You have probably thought this manyDon't Fear Failure
What a great admonition - Don't Fear Failure! It sounds so simple and so easy to achieve when you see it like that, but when it comes to life changing decisions that we all face, we often get sweaty palms, weak knees, and panic attacks at the thought of failing. But, unfortunately, failure is unavoidable. All successful people have failures in their past, and many will tell you that their failures have led them to the success they have today. It is hard to believe sometimes, though, when you see people that seem to have it all, that they have ever failed. Imagine if Thomas Edison had quit after he failed the 9,999th time in his attempt to invent the incandescent light bulb! Or what if Ray Charles had listened to the advice of one of his teachers..."You can't play the piano, and God knows you can't sing. You'd better learn to weave chairs so you can support yourself." Or what if Mary Kay Ash had listened to her attorney just weeks before she opened her first store..."Liquidate the business right now and recoup whatever cash you can. If you don't, you'll end up penniless."