Have Your Company Increase Its Investment In SEO By Convincing The Top Brass
Getting top company executives to agree to commit more funds to SEO can be hard. This article explores some ways in which a webmaster can tackle that challenge.
If you are your company's webmaster,

it is possible for you to convince the top brass to increase its investment in SEO or Search Engine Optimization. You may be working in a company where the top management is of the mind that SEO should only be serviced within the budget of the IT department. However, you should know that Search Engine Optimization benefits more than the IT department; it has a wider reach. The whole company will actually benefit from it since it affects its overall visibility. There is really no problem if the top management is adamant that only the IT budget shall be utilized for search engine optimization. But, if that is the case, the IT budget should be increased in order to accommodate this activity.
To persuade the top management of your company in this direction, you of course have to start by explaining to them what exactly search engine optimization is. It would be wrong to assume that they know what it is. After all, if they are not interested in internet marketing, that often means they don't really understand how it's done. Try to minimize the usage of industry jargon when explaining the basic concepts to them, so that they understand them better. Don't imagine that using more jargon will make you look more credible as an expert: it will only confuse the executives. Once they understand what search engine optimization is, you can proceed to make attempts to make them invest more in it. As we said, there are several ways in which you can do that.
The first way in which you can persuade the top management of your company to invest more in SEO is by demonstrating to the executives how greater investment in this area can lead to improved credibility. Those who are doing online searches for various information and products online would naturally go for the top names returned by the search engine because they think it's the best. Despite being familiar with the whole mechanics, even the urbane still (wrongly) make such an assumption. It looks like something working in their subconscious. More investment means search engine optimization, which would then improve the company credibility greatly. That could even translate to heightened credibility of the company.
If the company increases its investment on search engine optimization, the savings will actually be far greater. You should make your top management fully understand this in order to convince them. One way to do this would be to show them how, exactly, you will be able to lower your expenditures in the long run if, from the start, you've already had invested on search engine optimization. That would be when, on account of your company's website being on top of organic search results (due to search engine optimization), you no longer need to spend cash on pay per click advertising.
Of course, one sure way to convince your top management to invest more on SEO would be to demonstrate to them clearly how SEO would be able to increase your company's sales and profit margin. It will actually be much easier to get them to sign on the dotted line and increase the company's investment on SEO if they can see clearly how the operations of the company will be greatly improved by this.