Health Benefits of Using Aloe Vera Gel
Today most of the cosmetics and beauty products contain aloe vera gel in one form or the other. Lotions, creams, shampoos, soaps and oils containing the gel is available in the markets today. Most of the baby products also contain this gel. This versatile plant is indeed a storehouse of extraordinary beneficial qualities.
Aloe vera is a simple plant that was first found in Africa but now it is grown all over the world. This plant is bestowed with innumerable medicinal values. The use of aloe vera gel has become so common and beneficial to health that people grow it in their gardens. Some of the Medicinal Values of Aloe Vera GelAloe vera gel has been used since ages,

for historians believe that it possess unbelievable powers to preserve the beauty of the skin. The most famous Egyptian Queen Cleopatra is believed to have used this gel to prevent aging process and to remain beautiful forever. The gel from the aloe vera plant can be derived from its leaves. Some of the important medicinal values possessed by this miracle plant include:Prevention of acne and pimples: Application of aloe vera gel keeps the skin hydrated and prevents the formation of an oily facial skin. You can acquire a clear facial skin by applying this gel as it also helps to prevent dry skin and heals acne quickly. Since this gel contains anti-inflammatory properties, it helps to clear skin of its blemishes keeping it soft and supple. Cuts and burns: It also helps to cure minor cuts and burns, accelerating the healing process of the injury. Boost immune system: Internal consumption of the juice prepared from this plant helps to increase immunity and thereby fight allergies and diseases. External application of the aloe vera gel aids in preventing skin diseases like hives, eczema and so forth. Better growth of hair: By the application of this gel, growth of hair increases as it has unique enzymes that work well on the scalp. It also helps to reduce dandruff and cleans the scalp with its excellent moisturizing effects. It is also suitable for dry hair type as it softens the hair from the roots. Reduces itching and skin irritations: It helps to reduce persistent itching with its soothing effect and prevents many types of skin irritations and swelling. Its anti-bacterial properties help to prevent viral infections. Excellent and effective sunscreen: It acts as an effective sunscreen as compared to other sunscreen lotions and creams. It is rich in natural minerals and vitamins which are necessary for good skin. Over a Million UsesThe aloe vera plant has many uses as it is an excellent source of minerals and vitamins. Regular intake of juice derived from this plant helps to prevent constipation and cleans the bowel. It is an excellent antidote for diarrhoea, indigestion and stomach cramps. Since it contains phytonutrients which has anti-fungal and antiseptic properties, it is considered an excellent herbal medicine. It also helps to prevent bleeding of gums and tooth decay.