When advertising and promotion efforts don't go as well as planned, some network marketers get frustrated and start pointing fingers at all the wrong reasons. How to help your downline get past this.
As a network marketing leader, you'll have the privilege of helping your new downline team members get off to a good start. Some will step out and do well right away. Others will face challenges that you can help them overcome.
When working with your downline, you'll find that some will get discouraged because nothing they do seems to bring results. This is especially true for those who are fairly new to network marketing. The easiest thing is to put blame on the method used.
Here are some comments you might hear....
"We advertised on Google Adwords and nobody signed up. Google Adwords don't work."
"I tried giving out our full-color opportunity brochure, and nobody signed up. Passing out opportunity brochures doesn't work."
"I posted messages in several different forums for a month, and only one person contacted me and he didn't sign up. Posting in forums doesn't work."
"I published a web site but didn't get any visitors. This online network marketing stuff doesn't work."
When you hear this from your downline, realize that they are disappointed and baffled as to what they need to do. You, as their leader, should try to help them accept responsibility for their results and discover for themselves how they can make it work. Many successful network marketing leaders have been sponsored by all of the above methods.
Let's take a look at those excuses one more time. Immediately after are examples of how we as leaders can help to make things work better.
"We advertised on Google Adwords and nobody signed up. Google Adwords don't work."
Help your team member find some detailed training about how to properly use Adwords. There are some good resources available. Lots of times network marketers just dive in and give it a try, because it seems so simple. It isn't that simple - you have to know what you're doing. I had one guy sign up last year and start advertising in Adwords, despite my advice not to go that route just yet. He promptly spent $400 in advertising, sponsored nobody, and quit.
"I tried giving out our full-color opportunity brochure, and nobody signed up. Passing out opportunity brochures doesn't work."
Talk to your downline member about who they gave these to, what they said to them, and most important - did they follow up? Lots of people just hand out stuff indiscriminately and never check back with anyone they give it to. Teach your downline that followup is a key to success.
"I posted messages in several different forums for a month, and only one person contacted me and he didn't sign up. Posting in forums doesn't work."
Help them learn how to properly present themselves on message boards and how to use signatures. Many new network marketers jump in and make it obvious in their posts that they are there for one reason - to recruit. This does not work.
"I published a web site but didn't get any visitors. This online network marketing stuff doesn't work."
You know that a web site has to be promoted in the right places, and it can take quite a while to start getting any visitors. Your downline team member may not realize this. People new to Internet marketing tend to think "put up a web site, and people will visit".
The bottom line to all this - help coach your downline. Help your team member understand that there are many ways to get prospects for their business, but all methods require an understanding of how to make them work. Help them get past the excuses and avoid the "blame game".
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