The Ultimate Guide to Choosing High Fashion Wedding Shoes for Women

Apr 17




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Selecting the perfect wedding shoes can be as challenging as finding the dream dress. On average, a bride may try on numerous pairs of shoes to find the one that not only matches her dress but also suits the venue, season, and her personal comfort. This comprehensive guide aims to simplify your search for the ideal wedding footwear, ensuring style does not compromise comfort on your special day.

When Should You Buy Your Wedding Shoes?

Timing is crucial when it comes to purchasing your wedding shoes. It's a common misconception that shoes should be bought on the same day as the dress. Instead,The Ultimate Guide to Choosing High Fashion Wedding Shoes for Women Articles focus on selecting your dress first, then dedicate a separate day for shoe shopping. This approach allows you to bring a swatch of your gown to ensure the shoes match perfectly in color and style. Ideally, have your shoes ready for your first dress fitting, which usually occurs about a month before the wedding, to avoid additional alteration costs.

Choosing the Right Fabric and Color


The fabric of your shoes should complement the material of your dress. For instance, if you're wearing a satin gown, look for shoes in a similar satin finish. This consistency helps in achieving a cohesive look.


Matching the exact shade of white or any color can be tricky. Opt for dye-able shoes, which can be professionally colored to match your dress perfectly. This is a practical solution to ensure your shoes and gown are in harmony.

Style Considerations

Selecting the style of your wedding shoes often depends on the venue and the nature of the event. For outdoor weddings, like beach settings, high heels might not be practical as they could sink into the sand. The most versatile styles include:

  • Sandals
  • Pumps
  • Slingbacks
  • Flats

Each style offers different levels of comfort and suitability depending on the wedding venue.

Comfort: A Priority

The heel height should be one you are accustomed to and comfortable wearing. Remember, you will be on your feet most of the day, from walking down the aisle to dancing at the reception. Choose a heel height that won't compromise your mobility or comfort. Also, consider the length of your dress when selecting your shoe height to maintain the desired hemline.

Price Point

Wedding shoes can vary significantly in price, with averages ranging from $300 to $1,000. However, a higher price tag does not necessarily mean better comfort or quality. Many lesser-known brands offer beautifully crafted shoes at more affordable prices. It's worth exploring various options and not just focusing on designer labels.

Accessories and Embellishments

Many brides opt to personalize their shoes with embellishments such as embroidery or crystals, especially if their dresses carry similar details. However, if your dress is already highly embellished, consider choosing simpler shoes to avoid a cluttered look.

Hemline Harmony

The decoration of your shoes can complement the hemline of your dress. For instance, shoes adorned with pearls or beads can enhance a dress with a simple hemline. Conversely, a highly detailed dress might be best paired with understated shoes.

Coordinating with Bridesmaids

While it's not necessary for bridesmaids to wear identical shoes, some consistency in style can contribute to a unified look for your wedding party. Inform your bridesmaids of your chosen shoe style early in their shopping process to ensure cohesion.

Wedding shoes, though a small part of your overall bridal attire, play a crucial role in completing your look. By considering these factors, you can choose shoes that not only enhance your wedding dress but also provide comfort throughout your special day. For more insights on wedding attire, visit The Knot and Brides.