Holiday Dollar Merchandise Should be Front and Center in your Dollar Store
Three of the biggest holidays of the year are coming up, one right after the other. The dollar merchandise you sell during Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are very important. You will want to take advantage of the increased sales to increase your bottom line.
Three of the biggest holidays of the year are coming up,
one right after the other. The dollar merchandise you sell during Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are very important. You will want to take advantage of the increased sales to increase your bottom line.
It is best for you to have your holiday dollar merchandise on display well before the holiday actually comes around. With Halloween right around the corner, it should have the most prominent displays. However, your Thanksgiving and Christmas displays should be getting closer to the front of your store with each passing week.
Make sure you decorate your store to celebrate these major holidays since customers will appreciate the holiday spirit. If you have special dollar merchandise for sale, then make sure you create special signs to point your customers in their direction.
With Thanksgiving almost a month away, you should already be preparing your store with the appropriate merchandise. You will need a wide variety of products your customers will be looking for such as paper plates, napkins and cups.
Preparing for Christmas requires a lot of hard work. You will need to stock dollar merchandise such as wrapping paper, bows, ribbons, and gift bags. You certainly cannot forget to have lights and other decorations for the trees either.
Do not make the mistake of forgetting to stock the shelves with plenty of scotch tape. Your customers will need this to wrap the many presents they will be giving.
The holidays bring out a good mood in most of us. This means most of your customers will be in the buying mood, so you should have lots of impulse items on display for your shoppers. Setup these items in your lobby and near the cash registers. Try to come up with excellent items your customers can use for stocking stuffers too.
During the holidays, a lot of memories will be made. Therefore, batteries will be some of your most important dollar merchandise in your store. They will need batteries for cameras as well as any other electronics being given away over the Christmas holidays.
Many store owners rely on their sales during the holidays to make a decent profit for the year. You do not want to miss out on any sales, so you should have your holiday dollar merchandise displayed front and center starting right now. If you do not have the items your customers are searching for, they will find a nearby store that does.