How a Bigger Yard is Safer for Kids and Pets
The east coast has really interesting topography. Hills run into lakes, lakes abut forests, and forests run through residential territories. For peopl...
The east coast has really interesting topography. Hills run into lakes,

lakes abut forests, and forests run through residential territories. For people who live near Annapolis, MD, and other east coast cities, it can reduce the amount of usable yard. Having a bigger yard isn’t just a matter of wanting space, believe it or not having a big clear yard can make your yard safer for pets and children. To properly clear a yard though you often need to hire excavating companies as the work is not easily done by home owners. Home owners can handle some parts of it, perhaps clearing brush and a few smaller stones, but for stump removal or bigger issues they’ll need the help of professionals.
What excavating can do is make a bigger safer yard. Now, how does having those things, things like rocks, trees and brush, in the yard make it less safe? The first thing to consider is that the more brush and the like there is the more habitat for ticks. It’s hard to get kids to be responsible and check themselves for ticks, and dogs won’t understand. You can at least treat a dog for ticks and other things, but they can still get bit and it’s rather unpleasant to have to pull a tick out. Some of the medications can cause the tick to die after it bites meaning you’re pulling a tick corpse out of your pet.
Now if you live in Northwestern Maine the ticks aren’t much of a concern and you’re quite likely looking at an untenable project to clear you back yard, so perhaps even professional excavating isn’t worth it, but that’s from a special set of circumstances (extreme geography, too cold for ticks and the like, and very rocky land in parts). The Annapolis, MD region would be a more suitable place for excavating projects, the reward is higher and the cost is lower. Brush also provides cover for other critters that might be a bit bigger but less friendly to people.
Snakes and the like tend to like shady places where they have cover for concealment. Rocks and brush can provide the cover they want. Now if you live near the woods you might want train your children to avoid snakes and what to look for. If they’re younger you have to worry about how well they paid attention, and how well they internalized the lesson. Even if you’re not worried about snakes, the extra cover provides shelter for smaller critters. Squirrels and other pests can damage your property, and drive your dog insane with their mere presence. That’s also not even dealing with the issue of tripping and falling hazards. Sure children aren’t made of glass but you don’t want them running unsupervised at a young age through rocks and roots where they could seriously hurt themselves.
There are a lot of good reasons to want to have excavating work done on your yard. It’s not an easily done project by hand, and is something that requires professional assistance in many cases. Look for local companies that can handle it, and that won’t be too hard. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a clear and level backyard just because you prefer the look of it either. East coast cities like Annapolis boast large enough populations to support businesses in excavating, or just construction/contractors who know how to excavate. Whether you want a bigger flatter yard for its own sake, or for a specific purpose it can help a lot with children and pets to have the space and safety.