How and Which Parts of House are Checked by House Inspectors
House inspection teams are now can be found every where and they are always at your back and call. To ensure quick services these companies have purchased mobile vans and they can reach the house of any customer within half an hour. All a customer has to do is to dial their number and give them the address.
House inspection teams are now can be found every where and they are always at your back and call. To ensure quick services these companies have purchased mobile vans and they can reach the house of any customer within half an hour. All a customer has to do is to dial their number and give them the address. House inspection companies inspect the houses of customers and give a written report about it. In this report they will mention the conditions of all the things present in house so a customer can make decision about the purchasing of that house more easily. Their report will also inform the customer if anything needs to be repaired. In short they give customer a clear idea about the worth of house on the basis of which customer decides the price. The house inspectors usually have a check list and they check house according to that list. First thing is the exterior of house and house inspectors check the life and condition of all exterior things of house.
These include doors,

swimming pool, windows, paint etc. after that he reaches the top of house and check the condition of house thoroughly. They check whether the roof is sacked from some where and they pay special attention on rafters and trusses. They will also specify if the roof is rotten or delaminated under shingles. The second thing which they check on roof is chimney. If there is any brick or mortar is missing then it will also be included in report. The angle of roof along with chimney will also be checked. After roof checking they will check the attic of house, if any. Ventilation and air ducts are observed and other unusual thing will be reported as well. Coming down from attic they check the ceilings of house and try to locate the signs which can tell whether the roof was repaired earlier or not. Spots which are hidden because of ceiling fans and chandeliers are specially checked and they check this ceiling with ladder which they bring along with themselves.
Flooring of house and wall coverings are checked properly by the team members of house inspection teams and the walls which are hidden behind paintings and cabinets are checked as well. Doors, windows and plumbing of toilets are checked completely. Showers, washbasins, kitchen sinks and commodes are checked properly and flow of water is observed. Electrical wiring is checked properly and type, condition and wiring technique of wires are also considered. House inspection teams also check the current, circuit breakers, grounding, receptacles, main panel, exhaust fans and ceiling fans are monitored. Water taps and air conditioning, water heaters, duct work, furnaces, fireplaces and sprinklers will be checked by turning them on and off. All the appliances which are going to be purchased along with house will also be checked properly. Dishwasher, built-in microwave oven, smoke detectors, oven and cooking ranges will also be checked along with garbage disposal system.