The COVID-19 pandemic is a serious threat to the trucking industry. Truck drivers are at risk of contracting this virus and spreading it, which could have a devastating impact on the economy. It is important for truck drivers to take precautions before getting behind the wheel so that they can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 during this time.
It may be necessary in the coming months for organisations that provide training courses such as multi combination driver training, heavy vehicle training in Melbourne, or even truck license training in Melbourne and elsewhere to make drivers aware of the precautions they should take during a crisis situation such as this.
However, best way for truckers to stay safe and keep others safe is by implementing these top five practices:
Truck drivers should take precautions in order to stay safe from getting sick during this pandemic such as washing their hands regularly and wearing masks while driving. Although health authorities recommend that everybody get vaccinated against Covid-19, since not everyone can be vaccinated right away, these simple measures will help keep truckers healthy until then.
People who work for an extended period of time on the road may not realize that they have been touching surfaces covered with germs from hundreds or even thousands of other people without knowing it until later when symptoms appear. By washing their hands regularly, this will minimize the chances that these microbes end up inside a vehicle where they could potentially spread to other people as well. It is also best avoiding contact with people who are coughing or sneezing, or showing other symptoms that could be Covid-19.
Anyone who has any type of symptoms of the virus such as a fever, headache, body aches and pains or a runny nose should avoid being around other people. This includes avoiding contact with the general public as well as fellow truck drivers until symptoms have cleared up since germs can be spread through sneezing or coughing which may occur during driving time. If a truck driver does have fever, coughs, runny nose or sore throat during COVID-19 pandemic period then they must stay home for at least 24 hours before returning back on duty as this may indicate an infection from COVID-19. By doing this you are not only protecting yourself but will be helping to stop the spread of the disease among others.
It is recommended for truck drivers who might have been exposed to COVID-19 to keep a record of any symptoms experienced so that it can be reported if necessary. Keeping a record of exposure and subsequent symptoms can help health officials understand the spread of COVID-19, and also prevent it from spreading even further. As for personal protective equipment (PPE), there is no specific PPE that truck drivers should use during the pandemic. However, it will be important to practice general hygiene and sanitation practices such as using alcohol-based sanitizers. Also, be sure to get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly in order to maintain a high level of physical fitness.
This virus is an epidemic, which can spread easily to other countries. These best practices should help keep truckers safe during this time period when many drivers will either not want to drive because they fear becoming ill themselves, or lack proper protection supplies. Truckers need these protections since they face a high risk for exposure due to being out on the road for long periods of time, driving with others in close quarters. Truck drivers should be mindful of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to take precautions when on the road and in your home, too.
Employers should provide training and guidance to these drivers as to what they should and should not do, and provide them with the necessary equipment, gear etc to keep them safe during these difficult times.
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