So, you have finally decided to start your own on-line coaching business. Now what? To have a successful business, clearly you need clients. And I don...
So, you have finally decided to start your own on-line coaching business. Now what? To have a successful business, clearly you need clients. And I don't want you to get into overwhelm so I will make this really simple.
A strategy call is basically a free session you offer your potential clients. It's an opportunity for you to speak with people and ask them really powerful questions about their business or their life.
They are coming to you because you 'may' have something they want. During your 30 minutes together you will be able to figure out if you are a good fit for each other. (30 is average but some do 20 minutes and some do 60)
My first suggestion is that you name your strategy call. Make it clear what the outcome can be depending on your niche. Since I work with women after 50 to build on-line coaching business my free calls are titled: Business Success Strategy Session. It's very clear what our call will be about.
Many times after people sign up, depending on the type of people you work with, they will want to know how they can prepare for their time with you. This is your 'free' time that you are offering them and they will be appreciative but they want to make best use of their time.
By doing this you ask some basic questions around what their needs are at this time, what their goals are, successes, challenges and objectives. This gives them time to think things through and show up for the call feeling prepared. This also isn't required; you get to make that decision if you want to run the call this way.
For me, it's important that I have 100% attention to the person I am speaking to. I close out my email and keep a dark screen. I keep my door closed to my home office so it's clear to others, dogs included, that I am on an important call.
There are many different ways to structure these calls but I'll give you one very basic outline. There are no hard rules here!
The first few minutes are general greetings and hellos. Even talking about the weather is a way to open up the call.
If they have answered questions you had asked earlier, you can review those now. If not, ask them now. In one article I can't go through the whole process but here are the basics.
After the greetings, talk about what will happen in this call. You will help your potential client get clear on their goals and visions for their futures.
You will create a 3 stage plan for them to achieve their goals. The will leave with this whether they hire you or not.
In the process of this conversation you will uncover any obstacles or challenges that are getting in their way from achieving their goals.
And wrap it up saying they will leave feeling optimistic and confident as well as motivated that they can really make their goals work.
That is really how simple it is! You want to really listen to what they are saying, use your intuition and have them leave believing they can reach their goals, again, whether they hire you or not.
Action Step: What is the best way to get really good results from your strategy sessions? Practice, Practice, Practice!! How many strategy sessions can you set up from now till the end of the month? It could be the change your business is looking for!
Niching, Ideal Client and Tribe, Oh My!
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