Usually I get a one hour nap in the ... andI go to bed at about 8:30. This results in me ... before 4:00 am, ... ready for work! I get up quietly so as to not arouse my dear wife, a
Usually I get a one hour nap in the afternoon, andI go to bed at
about 8:30. This results in me awakening before 4:00 am, rested
and ready for work! I get up quietly so as to not arouse my dear
wife, and go to the computer. Usually I start by reading the events
of the last 24 hours on the DEBKAfile website. (DEBKAfile is a
news intelligence service located in the Middle East, and is the
finest source of facts about events in Isreal, and the war in Iraq
that I have found) after that I work on building my downline,
largely by following Stone Evans "30 day plan". until about 9:00 am,
when it is time to walk our dog. Then more work at the computer,
interrupted by a daily reading we are doing in "A Purpose Filled Life"
which takes about 20 minutes. This is a 40 day study which is
extremely profound in teaching one how to actually go about
spiritual growth. By the time I am worn out with computer work, it is
time for lunch and a nap. Then another hour or two at the computer. --