There are many techniques in most industries that have nothing to do with just typically selling products or services, as we're taught from: a traditional standpoint.
There are countless numbers of books and tapes and seminarsthat you can get in involved that teach you how to usethese specific techniques. What I want to cover is theconcept of using and knowing them in ways to become aconsultant or advisor to people, so you're able to makemoney in all kinds of markets and situations without beingdependent on just traditional ways of selling.
When markets are tough and competition fierce, businessprofessionals who do not position themselves as consultantsare going to have a very difficult time of surviving andprospering in any field. Why?" Well, because people outthere don't really care about your problems. They just wantto buy the most for the least. And they want objectiveadvice about how to do so.
That's the big key: Objective advice about whateverproducts or services you offer. If you stick with whatyou've always done, you're going to get what you've alwaysgot. In a touch, competitive marketplace when times arechanging, professionals who change with the good times andthe bad times are the ones who will make money and prosper.
For example: In the heavy equipment business, instead ofoffering "equipment", you offer an objective analysis ofthe company's business, how they operate, and what theyreally need. If you are in the printing business, insteadof selling "printing", you evaluate all of their printedmaterials, and prepare a brief report telling them how toimprove their printed materials, and cost savingsrecommendations.
Or, if you sell real estate, offer a total market overviewof your entire area to determine the fastest moving priceranges. Or if you sell appliances, offer a survey askingwhat people want the appliance to do, and then a reporttelling them their options, the benefits and cost.
If you offer more than just whatever it is you sell, you'llbe positioned as the only person to go to in yourcategory...because all of your former competitors willstill be just selling whatever it is they sell. You, on theother hand, will be the only one who actually helps them.
The point is, if you talk to people and position yourselfin a way that they view you as a consultant or advisor,they will come to you, and you will be able to generatebusiness on transactions in numbers you never would haveimagined.
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