As a storeowner, you’re probably already well aware of how popular – and lucrative – candy products are. Chances are, you’re also well aware of how th...
As a storeowner,

you’re probably already well aware of how popular – and lucrative – candy products are. Chances are, you’re also well aware of how these items work well in almost every kind of retail business – from traditional candy stores to convenience stores, gas stations, grocery stores, toy stores, movie rental businesses, restaurants, and arcades.
In other words, you don’t have to operate a candy store to sell candy!
You do, however, have to choose the right candy display fixtures, and oftentimes this means using the same kinds of candy store fixtures the owner of a regular candy store would use. Aside from plastic, acrylic, and glass candy containers, the list of candy store equipment also includes wire candy racks.
Below are three tips to help you determine the kinds of wire candy racks would work best for your business’s individual needs.
Tip #1: Think about Your Store’s Environment
Thinking about your store’s environment is crucial for two reasons.
First, you need to think about how much display space you have to work with. Once you determine where you’re going to create your candy display, you must determine how much space that area allots you and then determine what sizes of wire candy racks will work best in that space.
Second, you need to think about the kinds of traffic your store regularly sees. For example, does your store normally see high volumes of traffic, or do customers wander in and out fairly slowly throughout the day? Understanding your store’s traffic will help you determine whether or not you’ve chosen the right display space as well as how sturdy your wire candy racks need to be.
Tip #2: Think about Your Candy Products
If you already know what kind of candy you want to sell – or, if you already have the candy you want to sell – you’ll want to choose the wire candy racks and any other display fixtures that will work best with that candy.
If you haven’t yet chosen what kind of candy you want to sell, you can think about both the candy and the wire racks at the same time. For example, as you’re looking at a candy distributor’s selection, once a certain kind of candy catches your eye, make sure you can find a wire rack that will work well to display that candy. Or, if you first find a wire rack that you like and want to use in your store, you can then choose candy products that will work best on those kinds of racks.
Tip #3: Think about Your Usual Customers
You might think you only need to consider your customers as you’re deciding which kinds of candy to sell, but you actually also need to think about your customers both as you’re selecting your display space and as you’re selecting the wire candy racks you want to use.
Considering your customers as you’re looking for wire candy racks is mostly for safety purposes. For example, if your customers are usually fairly rowdy (think of excited children eager to get their hands on your candy), you’re going to want to make sure you choose the sturdiest wire racks you can find.