"How To Gather Online ... Polly ... (c) ... Learn a way to gather online secrets that can help your succeed inyour ... ... success of a company usually dep
"How To Gather Online Secrets"
by Polly Hummingbird
Copyright (c) 2002
Learn a way to gather online secrets that can help your succeed in
your business.
The success of a company usually depends on a collection of secrets
that make it run well. These secrets can be anything from a system,
a technique, a software program, a method of marketing, to the type
of personnel the company employees.
Like all secrets they will come to you at odd moments or in unusual
ways. Sometimes you may remember them and try them out at a
later time, but mostly they will simply vanish from your mind.
A true entrepreneur is devoted to the success of his/her company. Any
secret that can benefit the business should be studied seriously and
given a try.
The following method is a way to gather secrets that can help you
succeed in your business. It is meant to be used when you are online
or surfing the Net. You can also use it offline as well.
Feel free to adjust any of the steps to better suit your own purposes.
1. Purchase a stenobook (the kind that flips up).
2. Write your company name on the front cover and number the book 1.
3. Use a post-it-note to mark your current place in your stenobook, so it
is easy to flip to.
4. Each time you browse the Internet, or you come across good idea
that could benefit your business, write it down in your stenobook. Then
circle the entry. Use one side of the page only.
5. Once a day go through all the entries in your stenobook and act on
those you can.
6. When you complete an item, check it off inside the circle. If you decide not to do an item, put an X in the circle. If the item is information
or an idea only, put a triangle inside the circle.
7. When a page is completed in your stenobook, put a colored hi-liter dot
at the top of the page. Then when you are glancing through your
stenobook you can easily see what pages are done and which pages
still have active items on them.
8. When your stenobook becomes full begin a new one and number this
book 2. Keep the first one nearby until all the pages are marked.
9. Store your completed stenobooks for possible future reference.
Examples of entries you can make in your stenobook are:
* a website address to a useful site
* an email address of a person or organization
* a newsletter you may want to subscribe to
* something new that is being done on the Internet
* a tip or clue you think might work for your business
* online research results
* something great that someone else does
So, no longer let those secrets pass you by. Capture them in your
business secrets stenobook. Soon you will notice a control
returning to you. Watch your business go from an amateur effort
to a respected and successful company.
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