Okay, so you’ve heard the dreaded ‘B’ word or maybe you’re living it now? Chances are you have heard all of the talk about bankruptcy and finance, and you probably believe that if you are or have been bankrupted,
... you have no hope on earth of getting a mortgage, let alone any finance at all. You can be forgiven for believing this, because many mortgage brokers will run the other way if you approach them saying, “Help me get a loan, I am/have been bankrupt!” The good news is that if you have been bankrupted – even if you are currently bankrupt right now – you can get a home loan!
I can get a Home Loan? Yeah Right!!
It’s absolutely true, and this article shows you how. Actually, I’ll give you a short summary as to the current situation right now in Australia regarding mortgage brokers and our major lenders. Mortgage broking is a cut throat business. It’s competitive and there are fees and commissions to be made to those that secure the deal. That’s why you’ll see mortgage guys and girls driving all over the city – even the country – meeting with prospective home buyers to make the sale! It can be quick and easy money, but only if the home loan applicant has a clean bill of credit health. If you don’t fit this description, you’re simply “too hard” to deal with. That’s right – it all comes down to you being too difficult to secure finance for. Most mortgage brokers are in for the quick sale and there are plenty to be had, so that’s why they don’t help people with bad credit. Don’t take it personally! As for lenders, it’s pretty much the same. Conforming lenders like the big banks only really want to deal with the easy clients who pose little risk.
Now for the really great news! You can get a home loan – even if you are an undischarged bankrupt – if you work with a reputable bad credit mortgage expert. Specialists in this field deal with so many bad credit clients each day, and they get their clients mortgages each day! This is because reputable specialists in bad credit finance know who to talk to and which lenders want to help these guys.
In short, we can help you if you are mortgage ready or not quite ready. Here’s how:
Use this Great News to Your Advantage!
After reading this article, you now have permission – in writing – to ignore all of those negative messages about bad credit and mortgages that the media and typical mortgage brokers and lenders are so good at pumping out. You know that with bad credit it is possible to get a home loan and with a reputable bad credit mortgage expert on your side, you can get into your own home and follow a plan that will secure your financial future.
Australians’ Personal Money Management in a Shambles
Australians approach budgeting in the same way as we do dieting. Like bad credit, obesity is on the rise in Australia too, yet when it comes to the obesity cure and prevention (dieting and exercise), we simply procrastinate, lose motivation and give up!Bad Credit and Bankruptcy? No Worries!
There is definitely hope for people living with bad credit and bankruptcy if they are seeking to own their own home.Personal Debt Reality for Australians
Quite clearly personal money management is an area Australians don’t excel at, and unfortunately a lack of skill in this area has dire consequences.